The Curt Jester blog is written by Jeff Miller a former atheist who after spending forty years in the wilderness finds himself with both astonishment and joy a member of the Catholic Church. This blog presents my hopefully humorous and sometimes serious take on things religious, political, and whatever else crosses my mind.

Blessed Miquel Pro – Known as “God’s Jester” was a martyr for the faith and a man of wisdom, fun, tricks, poetry, song, and dance. Thus seemed an appropriate Patron Saint of this blog.
My conversion story was published by Catholic Answer’s This Rock magazine and can be found here.
You can email me at
I have been blogging since 7 July, 2002 and my first blog was called Atheist to a Theist which I ran for six months until I started this blog, The Curt Jester, on 9 Feb, 2003.
I became Catholic on the Easter Vigil on 4 April, 1999 and the love of my new faith led me to want blog about the Church in the first place.
I have been human since I was conceived sometime 9 months before October 1958.
I served in the U.S. Navy from Jul 1977 to July 1997 and retired as Chief Petty Officer. I was an Aviation Fire Control Technician and worked at Advanced Intermediate Maintenance Departments working on and supporting Avionics equipment throughout my career. During my sea duty tours I was proud to serve on the U.S.S. Midway (CV-41), U.S.S. Ranger (CV-61), U.S.S. America (CV-66), and the U.S.S. Eisenhower (CVN-69). When they merged some rates I became a Aviation Electronic Technician shortly after making Chief.
I currently work as an application developer programming content creation software used to develop courseware for the military.
My “I love me” wall
Great site! I got a few good laughs, and really enjoyed the site. We don’t agree on a lot of things, but there is nothing wrong with that. I went in the oposite direction that you did… I spent my entire young life raised in Lutheran schools and churches, and was happy and proud to be a Christian. However, those days are behind me as I have moved toward atheism as I got older. People Like Bill Donohue serve as proof that at the very least “Organized” religion has taken the good out of religious belief. There is still a small corner of myself that will not let go of God, and so I enjoy coming across sites like this. If God is there, He will be the one to judge what is in our hearts when our time is up, and I don’t think he will look kindly upon those who use his church as a tool to elevate themselves and condemn those that disagree with them in any way. I think the entire Catholic Church would be in much better shape if there were a lot more Catholics like you, and a lot fewer of the Donohues. (I wonder if it frustrates Catholics at all to have a close-minded biggot in such a position of power in their church.) But I digress… Thanks for a great read!
I am currently in the same stage you were when in the “Wilds.” I have been constantly talking with a friend of mine who found his religious footing again, whereas me, I have moved further away from accepting my Jewish heritage.Even though I am a graduate student in Theology, I find it hard to accept any sort of religious experience (save for Super Bowl). Thus, it is fascinating to me to read about other people’s “conversion,” in hopes that I can one day understand my own theological background.
Thank you for sharing your experiences!
Hello Jeff, I am a long time reader of Curt Jester, I thank you for not only your humor but most importantly your faithfulness to the doctrine and the Magisterium.
Now, to the point I work for Catholic Marketing Network, we have been in business for over 15 years and are the trade organization between Catholic Retailers and Catholic Suppliers, we are dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Father Andres Apostoli is our Spiritual Director. We have an trade show once each year…a gathering of Retailers and Wholesalers, Priests, Deacons and Religious from as far away as the Vatican. We would love to have you join us as our guest at the show ,August 3-6 in Valley Forge Pennsylvania…by the way SQPN will be exhibiting at the show. We would provide you with space to allow you to conduct interviews and for that matter to perhaps be interviewed, EWTN broadcasts live as well as Boston Catholic TV…if you go to our website you will find more information. Catholic Writers Guild will be in attendance and will have between 40-50 authors on-site (great interview pool). Father John Bartunek, Monsignor Luigi Ginami, Mother Nadine Brown, Father Dan Calloway, Father Andrew Apostoli, Lisa Hendley, Dick Lyles and Al Kresta will all be at the show…along with a host of other celebrities. We would love to have you present at the show to be part of our New Media Group…along with SQPN.
Please call me to discuss the program in detail. God Bless
Deacon Pat Lavery +
Thank you.
Thanks for putting up this website. I have found what you post here to be both humorous and helpful. May God bless you in living the truth in love.
Cordially in Christ,
Craig Tavani
Hail, Jeffrey, full of farce, the Lord is with you, hilarious are u among blogsters and blessed is the mirth of thy wit;Jesus definitely loves me for tonite he blessed me with your hilarity! Bless u for making me lol when I originally was looking up help for rocky road right now…thank u for the laughter, I feel glad for the kindred-spirit connection here which really helps me to feel much more hopeful! I don’t know how I got here but I’m sure God sent me a link to u for some much-needed faith-based funny and enlightening/heart-lightening perspective! Bless you! And thanks, btw, for praying for forgiveness for me for possibly committing sacrilege in my salutation to u based on the Hail Mary’s I have decided are what I need to be saying right now so I’ll trade the blackberry for the Rosary beads now and thanks again, can’t wait to get my bro-chachos hip to your lip! Keep the faith! And keep the fun! 🙂 (Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, please! Cause now would be good…I’ve got a big job here that can’t actually wait til the-hour-of-my-death-Amen! (which, btw, is nothing more earth-shakingly amazing than being a wife and mother, but right now, it seems like a job for a super-hero!)
The Magesterium of the Roman Catholic Church…..are they Non Partisan or Partisan or neither? I was told by a fellow/girl parishioner not to send her anything on politics as the Catholic Church is neither Republican or Democrat.Why? I sent her a report on the number of Pro life Republican Politicians elected on Nov 2, 2010. I sent because I was joyful that we might be able to overturn abortion rulings and save some little ones. Please send me a Web Site that I may read what the views of the Church are on politics and what can be or not can be said. I thought Christ would want us to speak out against evil politicians whether Rep. or Dem and why is the Church not speaking out? Please advise. Thank You! God bless!
You have not responded to my e-mail of 11/05/2010 12:17 AM.Why?
Marty Haugen and David Haas “Is their music Vatican approved? ” I was told since it is in American Hymnals, it’s OK. I don’t like the Anglican feel of their music!
I still have not received an answer to my question above.
Jeanne Therese, my guess is that you have not received a response because this is not a Q&A forum, but rather a place to comment on the contents on the page. That said, your question about the Church and politics isn’t altogether simple. A website that may be of some help for you is – especially their “commentary” section.
The only thing I don’t like is the picture of the woman in Hell with the black cat. You may be joking, but as a cat lover, I think it’s in poor taste. Otherwise I like your blog.BTW love the Greek Captcha. I almost used it when I first commented.LOL
Your conversion experience had weight and substance. As an active alcoholic I used to mock the clerk at my liquor store about the faith in 2002 as the scandals emerged. A pagan lifestyle would be mine to the end, but God intervened. I was baptized and confirmed in 2006 and sober since 2005. God’s grace is amazing in deed.
PS That clerk turned out to work full time at my parish! was that odd or God?
Teow said..
“I think the “entire” Catholic Church would be in much better shape if there were a lot more Catholics like you, and a lot fewer of the Donohues.”
This is where the problems and misunderstanding begin.. A lot of tmes, people associate the catholic teaching’s authority with the people around it, who unfortunately are the ones (but not all)fails to practice it. As a result, majority of the “practicing” catholics are now tainted with this misconception. The only proof that is very much visible today and need not be defended is that, this one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church is still existing ever since Jesus Christ promised that even the gates of hell will not prevail over it. Mt.16:18-20. And is the only church who can claim such authority among all the christian religions and denomination.
I enjoyed your conversion story. Your analogy of the U.S. Constitution and the Supreme Court is an excellent way to describe the Bible and the Magisterium.
Keep UP the good works and words Jeff. Long story short, The creators of The Church for The LOVE of “Jesus The Christ” needs more atheist as yourself who’s good heart and knowledge can certainly not hurt The Catholic Church.
Keep praying for this Annoying Super Sinner cause if I really do start another blog next year and sinner vic tells the truth the way THE Angels of Truth explained “IT” to me, myself and i, “IT”, I honestly believe that “IT’ might become curtens for me, me and me, if ya get my drift?
Long story short! The spiritual cells of me, myself and i know why Jesus said over two thousand years ago in so many words that unless you hate your mother, father, son, daughter ect….ect….. you can not be HIS cause The alien gods and/or should “I” say, our lost humanity sins who have convinced many souls and spirits in reality that they truly exist AS gods .
How do you tell people in reality without turning “IT” into a real comedy skit these days? I guess all we can do is stick to HONEST reality and be careful to follow GOD’s Ten commandmentS and hope for the best for Adam and Eve in the future.
Folks, let’s not jump to conclusion, that was over 2012 years ago when Jesus walked this world of His Father and HE died for U>S (usual sinners) and HIS hearts of Love have come a long way and “I” like to think that most of U>S have accumulated at least 7% Godly cells. In other words most humans have a good heart and only need a little springling of GOD (Good Old Dad) spiritual blessing HOLY WATER Leadership for eternity. If me, me, me, myself and i ever get a chance to walk the stairway to heaven, I’ll be sure to let all of my brothers and sister in Christ know about “IT” all if ya know what “I” mean? 🙂
I am new to your blog though I had heard of it long ago and here I am. I like you wit and your humor and your love of the Church and Papa Benedicto. I am going to miss him! Thanks be to God he has assured us he will not leave us but will be praying alongside us.
Anyway, I look forward to your take on all things Catholic especially as we are about to enter into a deeper spirit of universal prayer for the Church, for the Cardinal electors and our beloved Pope Benedict XVI as he prepares to leave the Keys upon the seat of Peter.
God bless!
Bill Donahue is not a bigot. The truth is the truth even if you don’t like
It. He has the guts to to say what others don’t. You have to see it from the prospective of being in battle and fighting against evil and the urgency that entails. Everyone has a role and his is to stand up for our faith . It is sad and to judge the church because you don,t like a certain person. You are missing out on the beauty of the church.