In this particular case, she said the National Institutes
of Health convened a workshop in June 2000 to discuss new evidence about
condoms. The fact sheet was based on that information and expanded beyond HIV to
include some of the other findings.
“The fact sheet uses scientific research from the
National Institutes of Health that finds that although there is a lot of
scientific evidence to show that condom use can prevent HIV, there isn’t that
level of evidence for a lot of other sexually transmitted diseases,” Hunter
said. “We’re just trying to present a balanced approach with the scientific
evidence that’s available.”
Uganda the only country to actually reduce the amount of people contracting
HIV did so not by distributing condoms but through abstinence and programs
focused on morality. Just looking at this from a secular point of view: condoms
have a fail rate for pregnancy 10% to 36% of the time. Now if you look at the
fact that women are fertile for a small amount of time and you have this high
failure rate, then how about when the possibility of contracting an STD is at
any time. Obviously the real failure rate for diseases must be a lot higher.
Encouraging condom use as public policy not only gives a false sense of
confidence but makes Russian Roulette a part of policy. In Russian Roulette you
have a sixteen percent chance of firing on a loaded chamber in sexual Russian
Roulette the odds are worse if one of the people have an STD.
Waxman was also displeased about a slight change to an
NCI fact sheet about breast cancer’s possible link to abortion. While the old
fact sheet said women who had abortions did not possess a greater risk to
develop breast cancer, the new report cited studies that showed conflicting
views on the issue. [Full Story]
Conflicting views? 16 of 17 statistically significant studies report
increased risk of breast cancer among women choosing an abortion. 7 studies
report a more than twofold increased risk. These are not studies sponsored by
pro-life groups but in many cases were done by groups looking for the opposite
result. The only conflict is with Democrat-Feminist dogma. It is a positive
change that the fact sheet is at least acknowledging the Abortion-Breast Cancer
link, but it doesn’t go far enough.