I expect to be regaled in the coming days with news
stories featuring prominent dissenters taking credit for forcing out Cardinal
Law and making it seem as if everything is on the table again. I saw on CNN
earlier today a statement something like, �With the ouster of Cardinal Law, many
of those who called for his resignation say the Church will now have to deal
with matters it didn�t want to, such as ordination of women, blah, blah, blah.�
I�m sorry, but the Church has dealt with them already. It�s the heterodox who
can�t deal with the Church�s answer.
[Domenico Bettinelli’s Full Post]
O Come, Voice of the Faithful
O Come, Voice of the Faithful,
Boastful and defiant,
O come ye
dissidents to Boston, Mass
Come now and scold him
Scorn the resigned
O come, let us exploit it,
O come, let us exploit it,
O come, let us
exploit it,
the situation
Sing, litigation,
All ye choirs of attorneys;
O sing, lay investiture
that old heresy
Glory to the Globe-
For their many stories!
O come, let us exploit it,
O come, let us exploit it,
O come, let us
exploit it,
the situation
Attacking celibacy
We give you this warning
Married or priestesses is
our solution,
Begone now father
Schisms fresh appearing
O come, let us exploit it,
O come, let us exploit it,
O come, let us
exploit it,
the situation
Update: Pete Vere has dubbed this Adeste Infideles, I wish I had
thought of it.