Prehistoric: Chilean Catholic Church Campaigns Against Divorce
Over 100 years behind England, Chile is the only country in the Western Hemisphere, in which divorce is still prohibited. The Socialist government is pushing forward a bill to change that
Divorce in Latin America has been always a controversial issue, since the region has suffered from far right-wing military regimes during long periods of time in the twentieth century.
Thus, the region has a poor record, despite the existence of a strong feminist movement at the start of the 1900’s. As such there are countries, where divorce laws were passed early last Century -Uruguay, 1913; Cuba, 1918-, and some others where the legislation that brings family relations into modern times, had to wait longer. That is the case of Argentina that only obtained the law in 1986, after its return to democracy.
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I always knew that Dictators and military juntas were so pro-marriage and anti-divorce. The first thing they do after the coup and the murdering stops is to outlaw divorce. Dictators are such family friendly people, they even help with annulments by making spouses disappear suddenly. You can tell that this article came from Pradva because the word “Socialist” was used like an honorific.
I loved the line about the Prehistoric Catholic Church. I can imagine some archeologist digging around in some pre-Vatican layer of rock and finding some dinosaur bones along side of a mitre, shepherd’s crook, and some skeletal human remains*. They knew the bones were really old because the bishop had an intact spine.
*Yes Steven, I know that human and dinosaurs did not coexist.