Thu September 18, 2003 05:20 PM ET
Washington D.C. (Roto-Reuters) Today during a Commission meeting the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued a surprise decree about the ten Democratic candidates running for President. The EEOC’s lawsuit, Civil Action No. 3:03cv999, filed in September 2003 in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, involves the unlawful makeup of these candidates.
Jane Gerber, EEOC trial attorney, issued this statement. “We were shocked with the latest addition of General Wesley Clark to bring up the amount of contenders to ten. The commission was hopeful that over time that equal opportunity issues would take care of themselves. Frankly these candidates just don’t look like the makeup of America. There is a eight to one ratio of WMDs (White Male Democrats) to only two minority members. Half of the voting population is made up of females, yet there is only one woman represented in this group. When the candidates have come together in the past it looked far more like a board for the Augusta National Golf Club then a representative mixture of presidential wannabees. This is not surprising considering that the heads of the DNC have been successive WMDs.”
“We will be investigating what roadblocks were put into place that institutionalized the acceptance or racism and sexism in the choosing of these candidates. The Democrats as a whole have outwardly been supportive of gay rights, yet there are also no openly gay candidates included. The only candidate with experience of running a state, Howard Dean of Vermont, has really no experience in running a state with a large minority population. The current slate of candidates has been vacated and through arbitration we will come up with a group of candidates that actually reflects the makeup of this country. We will mandate a affirmative action system so that the hiring practices of the DNC will reflect true diversity. Once they present a slate of candidates that matches the the actual percentages of race and gender based on the 2000 census, will we allow this election to go forward.”
The current candidates have not yet issued a statement in response to todays decision.