Genesis X Punditry from paradise
email me at About Me: Book of Genesis Reviews: Adam was created in my Image and is good -GodWeb Rings I belong to: Eden Rings What I am reading: What I am listening to: |
Day 5
This blog will be about life and things that I like. |
Posted by Adam at 02:30 [Link] [Comment] |
Day 7
Not much going on today. God took a rest and encouraged me to do the same. |
Posted by Adam at 05:22 [Link] [Comment] |
Dating Entries
I have decided against using a date based system for my blog posts. Day 9, 2000, 3200, and etc just doesn’t convey much information and I guess I will have to wait till someone invents the concept of months and days. Even God stopped counting after day seven and I guess I will do the same. |
Posted by Adam at 06:03 [Link] [Comment] |
On Paradise
One thing about being a pundit in the Garden of Eden, is that well it is difficult finding stories to comment upon. Weather still perfect is not exactly a headline. I can’t even do any confessional writing yet since my will and intellect are integrated and I haven’t chosen to commit something theoretically called a sin. |
Posted by Adam at 18:22 [Link] [Comment] |
I have installed Sitemeter now to try to generate some traffic to my blog and to see how many come to my site. I also thought about including |
Posted by Adam at 17:35 [Link] [Comment] |
Strange Comments
I was rather surprised today to find some comments left on my blog. They used a lot of four letter words that I don’t remember inventing Update: God told me that this type of commenter is called a Troll and that they are not intelligent life. |
Posted by Adam at 02:23 [Link] [Comment] |
New Job
I got this job where I get to name all the cattle, birds of the air, and beasts in the field. It doesn’t pay much, well actually nothing, and there doesn’t seem to be any benefit plan attached. At least it keeps me busy and it is good intellectual work. The job is actually harder than you would think at first appearance. For example just look at a four legged animal with an extremely long neck and orange spots and right off the top of you head give it a name. At first I came up with naming it four-legged-animal-with-an-extremely-long-neck-and-orange-spots, but that just seemed a little cumbersome over time. I finally settled on giraffe, just don’t ask me why. |
Posted by Adam at 18:45 [Link] [Comment] |
Blog readers
Posted by Adam at 20:05 [Link] [Comment] |
Be careful what you ask God
Posted by Adam at 02:25 [Link] [Comment] |
Be fruitful and multiply
Posted by Adam at 22:15 [Link] [Comment] |
Lease Agreement
Posted by Adam at 08:52 [Link] [Comment] |
New Blog
I invite you to go and read my wife’s new blog called InstaRib. |
Posted by Adam at 02:25 [Link] [Comment] |
Today I got some hits from a site called nihil obstat. This site corrected me on the spelling of some words I had used to describe animals. Pretty arrogant since I made up those words first so how could I misspell them? Now I know this site was not created by myself or my wife Eve so I am trying to figure out who did this anonymous site. I am suspicious of the thing I called a snake. It has been following my wife around recently. Since a snake is not an intelligent animal it would be capable of hissing at things (criticism) only and not be able to generate it’s own content. |
Posted by Adam at 02:25 [Link] [Comment] |
Good and Evil
Posted by Adam at 23:55 [Link] [Comment] |
I found some fig leaves and fashioned some clothing out of them for my wife and I. She wasn’t very appreciative, said something about them not being in the latest fashion. Well I got to go now to do something called shopping. Seems my wife doesn’t have any shoes that match the fig leave clothes I made. |
Posted by Adam at 09:11 [Link] [Comment] |
Posted by Adam at 09:11 [Link] [Comment] |
Moving Day
Posted by Adam at 12:25 [Link] [Comment] |
Congratulations are in order
I knew my wife and now she has conceived and we are looking forward to the birth. Eve’s stomach is getting larger and she is getting concerned about child birth and all, especially god talking about multiplying the pain of childbirth. I told her not to worry. When God took my rib I just had a deep sleep and maybe she would just be sleeping longer. |
Posted by Adam at 19:21 [Link] [Comment] |
Cain is born!
Posted by Adam at 02:48 [Link] [Comment] |
Our Family is growing!
Posted by Adam at 01:01 [Link] [Comment] |
First Sacrifice
Our son Able looked so cute today in his little sacrificial outfit as he brought some fat portions for the Lord. Cain didn’t look none to happy as we praised Able for his offering. I think there might be trouble brewing between the two of them. Every time I ask Cain where his brother is is talks back in a snotty tone of voice “Am I my brothers keeper? |
Posted by Adam at 05:29 [Link] [Comment] |
I haven’t been doing much posting lately with all this tilling the land stuff. I just don’t have much time for blogging anymore. I come home way to tired to write soI am going to be posting a lot less frequently. To borrow some of the Lord’s words, Let there be light blogging. |
Posted by Adam at 01:48 [Link] [Comment] |
Rare Blog Update
Posted by Adam at 05:09 [Link] [Comment] |
Clever stuff.
Great stuff! Keep ’em coming 🙂
So when are you getting your own sitcom, Jeff? 🙂
Bravo! You should make this a continuing feature. So many vignettes in the Bible, so little time… I’m talkin’ Moses here!
another great one!
Man that was funny!
I think this is the funniest blog entry I have ever come across.
I think I liked the Book better. BTW – Adam was created on Day 6, not 5. And Eve was created the same day….FYI
Everywhere you turn nowadays, there’s a revisionist historian!
Oh Man! This is the best blog I’ve ever read! Keep it coming!
Thought you might be interested in another perspective on original sin. Basically this part of the Genesis story is about food but this aspect is almost universally ignored and theme of disobedience is stressed. In the Garden God said that if Adam ate what was forbidden he would die. He did not say that if Adam disobeyed him that he would die. Adam and Eve could have eaten what was forbidden unknowingly and the Fall of mankind would have still happened – though with mitigating circumstances. The Fall happened because they ate the forbidden fruit. And so the choice of food is central to the meaning of the story.
Why is it that eating the wrong food could cause the fall of man? In the Garden of Eden nothing had to die for anything else to live. This was possible because all animals including man ate only fruit and leaves (Gen 1:29-30). That is, the plant kingdom provided food for the animal kingdom without the loss of life (fruit and leaves are not living entities but can be regenerated without the loss of life). That is God created Life is such a way that these was complete symbiosis between the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom.
You may be interested to know that Adam and Eve did not eat “plants” until they left the Garden (Gen 3:18) nor meat until after the flood.(Gen 9:2-3). In the Garden they ate the food provided by the plants but not the plants themselves (carrots potato etc). In the Garden even the death of unconscious plant life did not happen. Original sin is how this perfect harmony between all living things was broken and how Life became dependent upon death. After the fall no living thing could survive without the taking of innocent life. The taking of innocent life is the sin we are all born into and it is the sin we cannot escape by good deeds.
In the beginning all of humanity was present in the bodies of the first Adam and Eve. You were there and I was there. Buddha was there and Mohammed was there. Even the person who would become Jesus was there. When Adam and Eve left the Garden they took us all with them.
We may forget but at times we live within another person. We don�t remember the time we lived in our mother�s womb. And even before that we existed in the genes of our parents. And before our parents were born they existed in the genes of their parents. In the beginning there were only two beings and all of humanity was present within them. The Bible tells us that we pre‑existed in the bodies of our ancestors. And there are some very important consequences of this.
For example in the book of Hebrews there is Levi:
�One might even say that Levi . ., paid the tenth through Abraham, because when Melchizedek met Abraham, Levi was still in the body of his ancestor. Heb 7:9-10
What is interesting about Levi is that he was counted as having paid because he was �in� Abraham when Abraham paid. All of the humanity was in Adam and Eve when they disobeyed God and in this way we are all guilty of Original Sin.
Original Sin happened while we were �in� the person who did it. And so salvation from Original Sin from Original Sin works in a similar way. We are saved when we are in Jesus and he is in us. When we accept Jesus into our life then He becomes a part of us and is �in us�. And when Jesus is in us then there is now a part of us that has already died and lived.
If Jesus is in us this means that we are a part of him. Levi was in Abraham lived and when Levi lived Abraham was a part of him. When Jesus is in us then we become a part of him – we are adopted into his body and counted has having been in him when he died on the cross and paid for our sins. In accepting Jesus we gain an immortal identity into our being and through him pay in full for our sins.
Hope you find this of interest.
Bill Givens
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