When was the last time you saw a Republican lead Senate make a gutsy stand? That they stood on principle and did everything they could not to back down? That they bombarded the press with conferences or stood together on the Capital steps complaining about undemocratic tactics being used against them?
A Republican lead House of Representatives under New Gingrich had come close when facing Clinton down on the budget by not signing an appropriations bill. But they also blinked and backed down to an onslaught of negative press and slander from the other side. The House of Representatives had impeached Clinton, but the Senate gave him a pass.
Maybe I slept in the day that they wore a spine to work and didn’t hear about it or it happened prior to when I was born.
Months ago I heard the Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist talk about ways to get around the filibusters and the Senate rule about requiring a super majority. They used the words “Nuclear Option” to describe a tactic to vote with a simple majority to change the Senate rule. The Democrats have a nuclear deterrent, just ignore the Republicans until they eventually get their way. A Republican lead Senate is our version of the French Army. Run away so that you can come back and surrender another day.
If you played the word association game with Senate leaders it would go something like this. Spine – Jellyfish, Media attention – Compromise, Attack – Surrender, Integrity – Mediocrity, Hardball – Croquet.
Am I disappointed that we couldn’t get someone as qualified as Miguel Estrada on a Federal Court? Yes. Surprised? No.
1 comment
Tell it like it is, Jeff.