“Freeper Creepers” Posted on 08/22/2003 2:36 PM PDT by HolierThanPope Unbelievable sexual comments found in church Documents Looking through the source documents for that Koran-kissing Pope John Paul II’s icky theology of the body I found these disgusting sexual references in the “Song of Solomon”. This is a scandal and obviously a work of the devil. [4] Your neck is like the tower of David, built for an arsenal, whereon TOPICS:Catholic; Current Events; General Discusssion; Click to Add Topic [ Report Use of Charitable Language | Bookmark ] "Your two breasts are like two fawns" This obsessing on women’s body parts and comparisons to animals will lead those Vatican II followers further into degradation and will lead to the acceptance of bestiality. Posted on 08/22/2003 4:36 PM PDT by LidlessEyesRus "You have ravished my heart, my sister, my bride" Openly endorsing incest. This just goes too far in promoting this ravishing lust of your sister and making her your bride. Have they no shame. Posted on 08/22/2003 5:01 PM PDT by EmptyChair "honey and milk are under your tongue;" What kind of sick kinky sexual practices are these. This totally unorthodox "Your navel is a rounded bowl that never lacks mixed And encouraging people to drink wine out of their navels is just further decadence Posted on 08/22/2003 6:03 PM PDT by StaringIntentlyAtOthers Where is the imprimatur for these works? And now I see Mark –For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, Posted on 08/22/2003 6:15 PM PDT by BentOnTrent Looking further into that document I found this. "His cheeks are like beds of spices, All this talk of fragrant spices is proof that the Vatican is now totally apostate Posted on 08/22/2003 6:45 PM PDT by SchismaticFanatic [ Post Rely | Private Reply | View Replies | Report Use of Charitable Language ] These people are just sick, sick, sick. "We have a little sister,and she has no breasts.What This focus on prepubescent children is what has lead to all of these scandals. Posted on 08/22/2003 7:02 PM PDT by RadTradAndGlad |
If you like this post you can credit Fr. Rob for the inspiration, otherwise it is all my fault.
Say, isn’t Solomon one of those, you know, Joooooooos? Proof that the neo-Catholic neo-Conservatives are giving in to the Zionist Sexually-driven degenerate kultur! Why, just the other day they were taking totally uncalled for potshots at G. Uatta Joke’s SexDiatribe Magazine, because Joke was quoting Mein Kampf, but notice that they did not REFUTE anything in Mein Kampf, simply writing it off as “conspiracy” material.
That is a typical ploy of Jooish NeoConNeoCatholics: write off the source without arguing to the point and then accusing anyone who wants to argue to the point a “conspiracy monger.” So just ask them who this Solomon was and how his little smut song got into the Bible! See what they tell you. They will call you all sorts of names, but will not address the meat of Hitler’s book!
Meanwhile, I will stick to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to learn what is really going on. And of course anything that comes from Tradition, Property, and Reich! You can’t trust anything else. Even Mel Gibson is to be considered questionable, as he admitted to having Joo friends.
If only we could go back to the 1950’s when the mass was perfect all the time and every child had a full-color lithograph prayer card of the Sacred Heart pinned to his forehead!
I had a hard time reading this post on the WIn 95 computer in the call room – it stretched all the way across the screen and had to be scrolled over at the end of every line. Was this intentional? I must confess that I gave up trying to read it after one ‘entry’. I will try again when I het home tomorrow – I find many things work better on my flat-screen laptop.
The RadTrad Dance
The stories of the attack of the RadTrads.
>>>If only we could go back to the 1950’s when the mass was perfect all the time and every child had a full-color lithograph prayer card of the Sacred Heart pinned to his forehead!
ROTFL!!! That post was too funny! 😀
In Jesu et Maria,
You mean the 1950s weren’t perfect for Holy Mother Church?!?!? Holy Mother McCree!!! I just listened to a tape from Tim Staples who said I shouldn’t trust any concordance written after 1950! Now, would a good, orthodox apologist like Tim lie to his fellow Catholics?
I love good humor.
But this is just vicious.
On the one hand, one point in a 200 page book has been blown way out of proportion in the author’s zeal to promote a Godly alternative to the culture of death contraceptive mentality.
Those criticizing and blowing out of proportion this one (obviously imprudent!) suggestion in this book were probably the same ones who lambasted critics of Michael Rose’s “Goodbye, Good Men” who took tiny pieces of Rose’s book that appeared erroneous and blew them completely out of proportion.
On the other hand, Popcak should just admit that section was imprudent.
And his defenders should be ashamed of themselves for their childish lampooning of what is valid criticism. His remarks and these further defenses make NFP supporters look cultish, just as this thread says. And as an NFP instructor, I resent that immensely.
Its hard enough to get society to understand and embrace NFP as a bridge out of the culture of death contraceptive mentality and into Abandonment to Divine Providence. But when the NFP supporters themselves go to such lengths as these, NFP loses credibility among both the culture at large and among orthodox Catholics!
NFP is NOT an end, it is NOT a way of life! It is to be the exception, under grave circumstances, to a Catholic family life of being open to LIFE! It is a bridge or ladder out of the contraceptive mentality and a tool to be used in grave circumstances which make complete openness to life imprudent.
This idea of instilling this NFP obsession even to our children, belies a misunderstanding of the proper role of NFP in marital life. It is to be an exception, not the rule. It is not to ever be a lifelong way of life!
The extreme trads who reject NFP out of hand are wrong. It is morally licit in certain grave circumstances.
Likewise, those who ardently promote NFP as a way of life, even forcing it upon their children in an impudent manner, and failing to emphasize first and foremost that NFP is only to be used for grave reasons, are also wrong.
Both sides here are guilty. Especially those who reject NFP completely and on the other side of the fence those who deny that NFP proponents are never guilty of extremism themselves in their zeal for the NFP way of life.
Dr. Brian Kopp,
“Polycarp” at Free Republic
NFP Instructor, Vice President of the Catholic Family Association of America
By the way, when my wife and I teach NFP we FIRST teach there are 4 main reasons for having recourse to NFP.
1–Physical/ mental health—a pregnancy could kill you or so physically impair you as to prevent your fulfillment of your duties in your state in life—NOT because of a widening wasteline or drooping skin! Or psychological health, i.e., mom would literally have a nervous breakdown if she became pregnant—not because she “just couldn’t stand being home with the little kids all day without the personal fulfillment of her professional job…”
2–Financial constraints—your child will starve if you have another. Wanting a bigger house or designer SUV just does not cut it!
3–work on the mission fields by one or both spouses that would proclude having children temporarily
4–active persecution or war—i.e., you or your child likely to die by coercive abortion, in concentration camp, in acts of war, etc.
Clearly we say these reasons must be SERIOUS, not trivial. Only the couple and their confessor can truly decide what truly constitutes grave reason.
We’ve had couples sit through my talk on this subject and literally say, “Gee, we thought we were being good Catholics just for deciding to use NFP. Now we realize we don’t even have grounds for recourse to NFP,” then tell us a month or two later they’re pregnant.
NFP vs Contraception
Spacing children may be a desirable goal that does not violate God’s laws in certain serious situations such as those outlined above. But the means of achieving the goal differ.
One is intrinsically evil (abortion, abortifacient contraception, barrier methods, sterilization) while one is morally neutral (Natural Family Planning.
In one, an act is performed (sex) but its natural outcome is artificially foiled.
In the other, no act is performed (simple abstinence during fertile times) so there IS no act, therefore the practice is morally neutral.
It is then the intention of using NFP that constitutes its relative moral licitness or illicitness.
If NFP is used in a selfish manner, it too can be sinful.
If it is used only in grave circumstances, it is not sinful.
The difference is real.
Dieting (decreasing caloric intake, the “act” of NOT eating) is a moral and responsible means of losing weight to maintain the body’s health.
Bulimia (the ACT of eating, them vomiting) is rightly called an eating DISORDER.
An ACT is performed (eating in this case) and its natural outcome (nutrition) is foiled by expelling the food from the body.
Likewise contraception is a disorder. An ACT is performed (sex) and its natural outcome (procreation) is foiled by expelling the sperm or egg or both (abortifacient contraceptives) from the body.
Contraception is to NFP what Bulimia is to dieting.
But just as dieting can be misused (anorexia) so too can NFP be misused in a sinful manner.
I would note that while using charting to space children or delay conception to a more prudent time is strictly the province of married Catholics using it for grave reasons, I think that it would be a boon for young women to learn it for purposes of heath. I’m sure you recognize the ability of charting to show signs of potential health problems (like the thyroid problem I discovered). If NFP is promoted as a way of being open to life, used to delay conception when grave reasons exist but otherwise a way to observe healthy functioning of the body and aid in achieving pregnancy actively, it would not sound so much like “Catholic contraception”.
I generally agree with you, Laura, and I think my posts here are in 100% agreement with your last sentence. However, one must recall that the primary criticism that the Free Republic “RadTrads” raised from the start regarded having brothers chart their sisters’ cycles. That is at best very imprudent.
(I’m not one of the “RadTrads”, BTW, as one may ascertain from my posts on, where the “RadTrads” often respond by calling my posts “calumny and lies.”)
Say, isn’t Solomon one of those, you know, Joooooooos?
I nearly peed myself. Thanks.
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