If you think the phrase you can never be too rich, too thin or have too many shoes rings true, you just might be a bootist.
In Bootism: A Shoe Religion (Andrews McMeel Publishing, $10.95), authors Michael Duranko and Penina Goodman explore the world of the footwear-obsessed.
Like any religion, bootism comes with its own set of commandments (“A bootist shall not kill . . . unless someone is about to snag the last pair on sale in your size. A bootist shall not tell lies, . . . but you can misplace the receipt. A bootist shall not speak of others’ errors or faults, . . . however, judging their shoes is different”).
And mantras are common: “I will shoe-shop daily. I will honor my collection. I will revere Manolo Blahnik. There is always room for one more pair.”
[Full Story]
This people are in danger of losing their sole, which is no small feet.
Thanks I did not see the RMN article until I found your blog. Glad you liked Bootism, and please check out http://www.bootism.com.
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