Benjaimin Blosser of Ad Liminia Apostolorum posts about Bishop John C. Nienstedt who was recently appointed bishop of New Ulm in Minnesota and who has publicly taking to task his late predecessor (one Raymond Lucker) for doctrinal dissent.
He reports that the National Catholic Distorter has two scathing articles attacking the new bishop (not yet available on the internet). Getting NCR attentions and rage is a sure Imprimatur for the orthodoxy of this bishop.
This bishop truly appears not to play favorites. It has been reported that as a seminary rector Nienstedt blocked a former Rome classmate from a teaching appointment over concerns that he was theologically unsuitable. Currently he has posted a review of a book that had a preface from the previous bishop. He had forwarded the book to the Doctrine Committee of the United States Bishops’ Conference and they gave a negative review and he also adds his own comments.
I guess Bishop Nienstedt didn’t get the memo on collegiality and has decided that proclaiming the truth is more important
Wonderful news. It’s just too bad that the Church has to go through the painful process of having authentic, orthodox new bishops now have to repair the massive damage to the faith in our dioceses caused and abetted by that crop of dissenting, modernist “so-called” bishops that were appointed in the Jean Jadot years.
Living in that beck of the woods, I have had the chance to speak with Bishop Nienstedt over dinner. I have also spoken with some priests of his diocese. He faces a challenge from some priests who liked the previous administration, but so far is getting along okay. Pray for him everybody. It’s tough enough to clean up a mess, even worse when some are saying “leave it that way”. The Diocese faces a severe lack of priests in the coming years.
But at the same time it sounds to me like that Diocese’s seminary is going to get packed within a few years
I don’t know if being appointed before 9/11 really qualifies him to be a recent or new bishop. He’s definitely had time to put some leaks in those dissenting boats floating around in his diocese.
*Overture of 1812 playing in the background as Nienstedt’s ark fires the cannons*
I read the NCReporter this afternoon and saw the articles. They describe Bishop Lucker as “a progressive thinker” in the “spirit of Vatican II.” I often feel these phrases has a connotation of “I’ll do whatever and Church be darned.”