TRENTON, N.J. Aug. 13, 2004 — Gov. James E. McGreevey, a one-time rising Democratic star and twice-married father, announced his resignation with the startling disclosure that he is gay and had an extramarital affair with a man that he said threatened to undermine his "ability to govern."
"My truth is that I am a gay American," McGreevey said Thursday at a news conference with his second wife by his side. He described decades of sexual confusion that dogged him through two marriages and ultimately led him to an act he called "wrong, foolish and inexcusable."
It is just too bad that this Governor made the wrong career choice. If he would have been and Episcopalian instead and had a homosexual affair he career options wouldn’t have been limited and he could have become a Bishop instead. Especially with extremely relativistic statements like "my truth" he would have been a natural. He was also politically savvy by putting this in the context of the gay debate instead of the I am being blackmailed with a threat to sue for sexual harassment.
I think ScrappleFace put it best with its parody headline N.J. Governor: "I’m a Gay Adulterous American"
Some people have praised his seeming forthrightness in this statement, just like when he said he disagreed with the Archbishop about Communion but that he would not receive in public. But he is playing politics by not resigning before the November election and he is not allowing the people of New Jersey a choice as to who will be governor. Another contradiction for this pro-choice Catholic.
Did you hear the applause from the audience after he said his piece to the cameras?
Incredible! The guy is being congratulated for cheating on his wife and family with a gay lover…I mean…for being “brave”.
Shoot, if I were a woman and married to the momzer and he did that to me, at minimum he’d need a lot of heavy stage makeup to cover all the bruises. I feel sorry for his wife and kids. This is a secular version of “bishop” Robinson (of ECUSA shame) last August.
The “word on the streets” is that his homosexuality was not much of a secret to those who worked in Trenton.
Billy was right on & stole what I was going to say: The most remarkable thing was 30 seconds of riotous applause afterwards. Un-bowl-lieveable. The speech was reminiscent of something Clinton would give – somehow making it seem like you are a brave victim instead of the perpetrator.
This is just another example of how our current culture/society has gone topsy-turvy. A homosexual adulterer, having an extramarital affair with a $110K male staffer (without credentials for the job), gets lauded for stepping down. You can do anything these days….just get a good PR firm to do the requisite spin, and you’re a hero. Expect the luvguv to soon have his own radio show on Air America.
I’m confused. I thought Gov. McGreevey stood for choice. But, with his resignation timed for November and not effective yesterday when he announced it, the voters of NJ have lost their choice to select the next governor in the upcoming election. I don’t understand.
New Jersey Update
Boy was I wrong about “Catholic” Governor McGreevey! He was not saying that he was gay (happy) but gay (homosexual). Thankfully the Curt Jester put this whole thing into perspective for me: It is just too bad that this Governor…
“Choice”, John, means choosing the right way. The voters might have elected a Republican. That cannot be allowed. (sarcasm off)
very sick, and to think such a man was governing our state.