The following headline make me laugh out loud "Women will do the housekeeping while cardinals pray for guidance." The article has the normal charges of "all-boys’ network" and also says "There are in 2005 very few other self-regarding organizations or institutions in the world which would feel comfortable confining women to this tea-making and housemaid role."
I knew the news coverage leading up the to conclave was going to be purgatorial with reporters cheerleading for their progressive view of what the Church should be. Reuters carries an articled titled "Catholic feminists hope for change under next pope." Sorry ladies, but you will be disappointed. The article also mentions that these same feminists want abortion.
If you hope in the pope for a slippery slope you will mope and feel like a dope because you can’t wear a cope.
Catholic women are already performing many of the duties of deacons, such as ministering to the poor and sick, and should be allowed to answer calls to the ministry, they say.
Now of course they are pressing for a backdoor to the priesthood by first becoming deacons. Their of course is nothing to prevent them from doing the large majority of the ministries of a deacon. Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers can bring the Eucharist to those unable to attend Mass. There is some crossover of priests and deacons in regards to the ministry, such as a deacon can give a homily and some blessings such as to assist at and bless marriages and lead burial rites. Outside of the liturgy though what exactly is there to bar women from ministry? From working with the poor, in evangelization, or any other ministry. If you are already doing ministry then what is the big deal about having the title of deacon? If you are truly doing Christ’s work how would that matter?
"Some days and some hours I have great hopes" about change under the next pope, said Regina Nicolosi, a 62-year-old woman from the U.S. state of Minnesota who plans to be ordained — without church approval — as a deacon this summer.
Even if you truly believed that ordination was a matter of current discipline and not doctrine do they really think that disobedience is just as long as you think you are right?
If so I will really have to reevaluate the examples of many saints in the Church.
When they were unfairly punished they considered submission to be more important than just being right.
That they accepted sometimes unjust actions by their superiors as a chance to both grow in humility and holiness.
What is with the strange linkage of women’s ordination and abortion? That you want the right to kill a human being in your womb at the same time as to have the right to confect the Eucharistic elements. That you want the dignity of being a priest of God at the same time that you would denounce the dignity of the unborn child created by God.
But Catholic feminists say they are drawing more support from women outside Western countries. They also say that if the next pope were to ordain women, it would be a powerful symbol to developing countries of how women are viewed by the church.
"What a spectacular statement this would make around the world about the dignity of women," said Phyllis Zagano, a religious studies professor at Hofstra University in New York.
The dignity of women is not dependent on them being able to become priests. This is a degrading utilitarian view of women that only sees them as dignified by the work they do and not by who they are and that we are all created in the image and likeness of God. Why is it that the liberal cry for dignity always results in a less dignified view of the human person?
Nice that she has plans to become an excommunicated deaconess, but I’d be interested to know why she thinks it’s worth it.
Wait, so is the bishop in on this? I know that ordaining a bishop without approval is automatic excommunication, but what about deacons (or deaconesses, as it were)?
“What is with the strange linkage of women’s ordination and abortion? That you want the right to kill a human being in your womb at the same time as to have the right to confect the Eucharistic elements.”
Let’s see – the Blessed Sacrament and killing a child. It goes together rather well with the crucifix upside-down and the Lord’s Prayer said backwards, I think.
These headline writers fail to have the right attitude. Howsabout “Women Protect Vatican Infrastructure While Men Chat and Gossip”, hm?
The thing is, women like this are ashamed to be sisters, and they’re ashamed of their sisterhood’s tradition. That’s why they’re constantly denigrating hundreds of years of important work and traditions worked out the hard way by women, for women. It’s not so much that they want to be men, either. They so desperately don’t want to be the stereotypical woman in their own minds that they’ll do anything to stomp her out.