TALLAHASSEE (AP) – Gov. Jeb Bush signed a bill today increasing state oversight of abortion clinics that provide second-trimester abortions, saying he did so "gladly, with pride and conviction."
Bush said the new law wasn’t related to his anti-abortion views but he later added that he was motivated, in part, by his desire "to create a culture of life in our state."
Based on a woman’s right to choose, the U.S. Supreme Court has largely shielded first-trimester abortions from state regulation. Most of the nearly 85,000 abortions performed in Florida last year were done during the first trimester – or three months – of pregnancy.
States do have more leeway to regulate abortions later in a woman’s pregnancy. Almost 9,000 of Florida’s abortions are second-trimester abortions.
The new law, which takes effect July 1, will cover any abortion clinic that provides second-trimester abortions. The bill doesn’t spell out the exact regulations but gives the state Agency for Health Care Administration directions on writing new rules covering a clinic’s building, equipment and staffing, the procedure itself and post-abortion care. The agency is drafting regulations.
And of course we have the obligatory statement from someone at Planned Parenthood
She questioned the intent of the law, which is officially named the "Women’s Health and Safety Act."
"I think it’s ironic that it’s called the Women’s Health and Safety Act and the only health care issue it addresses is abortion," Grutman said.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black when many abortion centers call themselves women’s health centers. That the phrase women’s right to healthcare has become synonymous with abortion. It also includes this interesting passage:
One supporter on hand for Tuesday’s signing was Dr. Randy Armstrong, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Hillsborough County who provides emergency room coverage at University Community Hospital.
Armstrong, who does not perform abortions, said he has seen "and continues to see" the problems that result from lack of regulations of abortion clinics. In the last six months of 2004, nearly three dozen women were admitted into the hospital because of complications from second-trimester abortions. [Source]
This is of course is probably one of the most underreported stories there are the routine medical complications that are hidden from the public and no investigative reported wants to report on.
I thought the rally cry for abortion was for it to be kept legal, SAFE and rare? I never understood the “rare” part of their argument (if it’s great, why rare?). And now with the “I’ve had an abortion” T-shirt, I guess the foundational argument of privacy is down the tubes.
Should you not have the Pope the Servant of God John Paul II waving at us through a celestial window?
or a cyber window
It’s amazing they managed to get it passed. The Florida Abortion Council (FLAC) was formed in response to the Miami Herald’s expose of filthy abortion mills. The state was trying to regulate, and FLAC successfully stopped those efforts dead in their tracks. The only regulations permitted were to ensure that they kept medical records for three years and that they had a currently licensed physician on staff.
Gonna have to blog about this one!
I also wish I could see some of these things done in the supposedly more conservative state of Tennessee. Today, he signed a bill tightening down on abortion clinic abuses above and beyond the routine murder of the unborn.
Despite all the depressing stuff that goes on in Florida politics, I am surprised and pleased at how Jeb Bush continues to successfully champion the Culture of Life there. Right now, if he ran for prez, he’d likely get my vote.
I don’t see why, if the pro-baby-killing side considers abortion to be a “medical procedure” that they aren’t regulated like all other medical procedures (parental consent for minors, proper facilites which are inspected, etc.)
I would think the abortion-mill industry would welcome the look into their ‘safe woman-loving’ facilites. Except they have something to hide, aparently.
John, we need to really hold the abortion lobby’s feet to the fire about their callous indifference to women’s lives and safety. It ought to be them doing all the regulating, all the warning women about filthy, dangerous mills. Until they do that, I’ll not believe that they care about women at all.
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