A human rights advocate and well-loved television personality comes to Grand Junction this week to talk about his work on behalf of those afflicted by famine, war and abuse.
M*A*S*H fans may best remember Mike Farrell from his portrayal of Capt. B.J. Hunnicutt on the popular television series, but some of his best work today occurs largely outside of prime time.
The Catholic Foundation hosts Farrell this Friday at its third annual Western Slope dinner at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Grand Junction. [Source]
Human rights activist? I will let his words be the judge. "Where I part company with those who presume to call themselves "right-to-lifers" is that I believe the issue of a termination of a pregnancy is a question that ought to be left up to a woman and her doctor."
The Catholic Foundation in the Diocese of Pueblo has a web page up all about Mike Farrell and mentions his opposition to the Death Penalty, but of course not his favoring of the death penalty for the unborn. No mention of him working as an activist for the homosexual rights movement either.
You can comment about just how appropriate the pick is here.
I e-mailed the Catholic Foundation to give them a piece of my mind.
I told them that with them for friends, the Catholic Church needs no enemies.
I emailed them as well, I guess for 30 pieces of silver they can overlook his views on abortion.
I also copied the Pueblo Dioceses vice-chancellor, lguerin@dioceseofpueblo.com,(the highest person with a email address), and their general info email info@dioceseofpueblo.com.
Interesting observation…The only people listed on the Pueblo Dioceses web site at the first contact level with email addresses are lay people. To get a religous of any kind you have to dig.
“.. It teaches our children that violence will be punished, but not by emulating the violence …”
“I believe that no one should be executed, guilty or innocent.� There are appropriate sanctions that protect society and punish wrongdoers without focusing us to stoop to the level of the least among us at his or her worst moment.” [Mike Farrell]
Interesting how he cannot connect his thoughts to the children in the womb ….
Where did you find the quote you posted??
The quote about abortion is about equal in profundity to his famous announcement to Congress, “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV.” His speech at the dinner ought to have begun, “I’m not a Catholic, but I play one at hokey affairs like this.”
that email address is info@catholicfoundationdop.org
If Mr. Farrell hates the death penalty, why does he coddle up to New World marxist dictators and wannabes? I don’t see those as consistent positions.