Democrat Mike Blouin, known for his anti-abortion views, told The Associated Press that if he is elected governor, he will not support any new restrictions on abortion.
The abortion issue has taken on a higher profile in the 2006 Iowa gubernatorial campaign because of the recent nominations to the Supreme Court. President Bush’s conservative nominees fueled speculation that the 1973 decision could be overturned.
"Regardless of the U.S. Supreme Court’s future actions regarding Roe v. Wade, I would not sign any legislation to further restrict or expand access to abortion in Iowa," said Blouin, the state’s former economic development director and a former congressman from eastern Iowa.
While Blouin said his beliefs are "at the very heart of who I am as a person, I also understand that our laws must be acceptable to and enforceable within society."
Among the five current Democrats seeking their party’s gubernatorial nomination, Blouin was the only one to hold anti-abortion views. The others are pro-choice, though they have in the past supported minor restrictions.
This is just so tiring an mind-numbing. Exactly how would signing a bill put forward by the democratically elected legislature be not acceptable within society? Or that he is basically saying that he would veto any legislation the put restrictions on abortion be in any way in accord with "at the very heart of who I am as a person."
"I believe from the very core of my being in a culture of life – the dignity of all life," said Blouin.
But I will do nothing about protecting the dignity of life. But at least some people are pleased.
Judy Rutledge, of Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa, found Blouin’s position interesting: "It might help some with the issue. I’ve never heard him make that statement before."
The reaction from anti-abortion forces was swift and predictable.
That’s funny I thought the action from Planned Parenthood was swift and predictable. But then again what is wrong with predictability or swiftness in answering? Do we really expect pro-life groups to come out in favor of pro-abortion positions or for pro-abortion types to come out against abortion?
"As a Democrat and a Catholic, my position on this issue has been consistent throughout my life in public service," he said. [Source]
Faith without work is dead except I guess if you have a consistent position.
Are there any Democratic Catholic politicians that are against abortion?
For some reason I see very few Republican Catholics except for Santora
Is this the best we can do as Catholics? Vote for the Cuomos, Kerry’s, Kennedys, Pelosi’s, and Giuliani’s? Why does the church not have enough guts to stand up to these baby killers?
It all started when JFK-the First catholic for president and only, made the statement on the heels of Vatican II-that he is not a Catholic running for president, but a Candidate who happens to be Catholic, and he takes his directions from the people of the US and not from the Pope (John XXIII who probably could care less what anyone said as he himself was mixed up).
Right then and there an excommunication should have been granted, as Popes of yesteryear did in a minute (anyone remember Henry VIII?) At least the Pope stood up for what was right and has his rightful place in heaven, instead of appearing to support and contribute to the horror of abortion
I hate politicians, with the exception of Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania.
I wish we could elect him governor of NJ. We had two people who sounded exactly the same (Forrester v. Corizine, both the same morals).
I wish I could start my own politcal party, one that is more Catholic. We could excommunicate members that don’t vote right (well, I didn’t mean THE right, but rather correctly).
I am from Iowa. Our “catholic” gov is a chump too.
Well, we have a senate race coming up with a pro-abort Catholic Patty Wettlering. She would be a lovely addition to the stable of Planned Parenthood cronies. People who sell their faith out are no better than Judas himself. What is right by man’s law is not necessiarily right in God’s law
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