Just weeks after San Francisco Catholic Charities announced that they had found a compromise in handling cases of adoption of children to homosexual partners, other San Francisco diocesan departments have decided to follow their example.
Brian Cahill, the head of the diocesan-funded Catholic Charities, announced that three staff members will be working with a non-profit adoption agency, California Kids Connection, that has no moral qualms about placing children in homosexual households.
Cahill said he believes this compromise with what the Vatican sees as a “grave evil” will be in keeping with Catholic directives not to be “directly involved in the placement” of a child in a gay household .
Now other diocesan departments have announced similar changes to the way they operate.
David Rankin, of the San Francisco diocesan Life and Family department, announced yesterday that “we obviously don’t refer women for abortions, as that would be gravely immoral, so from now on all women who come to us with a crisis pregnancy will be referred to the local Planned Parenthood clinic for counseling.”
Go read the rest of this great piece of satire over at The Ox Files.
Don’t scare me like that. This was just close enough to being possible in the diocese by the bay that I thought it was for real until the Tony’s book store bit. Whew!
No kidding. I’m laughing now, but at first I had spots before my eyes.
Good one. Anyway,
please see Archbishop Niederauer’s letter at http://www.qdomine.com/ archbisho…opstatement.pdf
Now before you all burn me at the stake, maybe the Archbishop was thinking this:
1)We can’t do adoptions any more since by law same sex parents would have to be considered and that’s against Church teaching.
2)If we not invloved at all, by default more chidren will be adopted by same sex parents.
3)If we get our parishes directly involved(see excerpts from letter below)maybe, just maybe some of these children will be adopted by faithful Catholics.
“Catholic Charities CYO proposes to work with the pastors and parish
staffs of the Archdiocese to develop and implement a program that
will communicate to our parishioners the immense need for adoptive
families for at risk youth, encourage parish families to consider
whether they might be able to open their hearts to such a child,
and provide information and guidance for those families who signal
an interest. Such a parish program could be particularly productive
because it would place the call to consider adoption within the
liturgy where Christ�s call to love and sacrifice is uniquely
enfleshed. This program will include the following elements:
� The identification of twelve parishes from throughout the
Archdiocese that would be willing to participate in a pilot
program promoting adoptions.
� In collaboration with pastors and parish staffs of these
parishes, the design of a presentation could be made effectively
to parish communities during the Sunday liturgies. This
presentation could speak to the overall questions of adoption,
but should certainly focus upon adopting children presently in
the foster care system within the Bay Area.
� The provision of follow-up information and support for those
families in each parish who show an initial interest in
adoption. This follow-up would come from parish volunteer
leaders working with Catholic Charities CYO staff.
� The creation by Catholic Charities CYO staff and the pilot
program parish representatives of an ongoing communications
strategy which would include information packets that would go
to all parish families, information about the resources of
California Kids� Connection, and parish bulletin announcements.
� The expansion of this pilot program to reach all Archdiocesan
parishes, through a corps of volunteers recruited from and
rooted in the parishes who would promote ongoing education
regarding adoptions for at risk children.
� Pilot program to begin July 2007.”
“If we get our parishes directly involved(see excerpts from letter below)maybe, just maybe some of these children will be adopted by faithful Catholics.”
And maybe some will be adopted by child abusing heathens. I don’t think the ends justify the means here, especially when the means involves Catholics actively placing children in an immoral environment.