Carl Olson of Ignatius Insight posted a story on the last Pope John Paul II sneaking out for skip trips during his years at the Vatican. Carl in his last line said.
Hilarious! No word yet if Pope Benedict is also covertly sneaking out of the Vatican, not to ski but to visit used bookstores.
Now that really made me laugh and I can really imagine our book loving Pope going out on the sly perusing shelves for more books to get. I remember reading one quote from the pope when he was talking about the impermanence of things. Mountains will pass away and at one point he said, I believe, "even books" will pass away. I laugh when I read that also since it was so indicative of the Pope’s personality and his love of books. The Pope’s endears me to him even more.
Now I consider myself a bibliophile, though not as well read as the Pope or many members of St. Blogs. I also read a lot of books where their copyright has expired and their text is available on the internet. Mostly I convert them using text-to-speech software to listen to on my iPod/computer. Though sometimes I am disappointed to find that a book is not quite old enough yet to be freely available. I once fantasized about wanting a time machine so that I could go into the future passed the expiration of their copyright – downloading them – and returning home. Though I am not quite sure about all the moral ramifications of this. Is a book downloaded in the future and then subsequently read in the present a violation of copyright?
I just watched the DVD of A WITNESS TO HOPE, and did you know that John Paul II didn’t eve know he had a private line until the Russians were threatening to enter Poland around 1980?
I don’t know which story I like better — that one, or the one of JPII going on clandestine ski trips.
Great idea that time machine! While you’re in the future would you pick me up a free copy of Terry Pratchett’s latest? Thanks! 😀
Well, time shifting is a legitimate use of VCRs for television shows….
“The past is another country.” So the future is, too.
Is a book downloaded in the future and then subsequently read in the present a violation of copyright?
It depends on the country your living in. But definitely not in Sealand!
I bet the Holy Father does sneak out… to feed the stray cats! I read somewhere that he fed the strays as Cardinal, and I feel certain that old habits aren’t broken that easily…
Cute story. I giggled out loud, imagining a scenario in which Papa Ratzinger sneaks out and loses track of the time while browsing through the books in a second-hand book store, (I’ve done that many times! The very musty smell of old books is an intoxicant!)
while at the same time, the Swiss guards are frantically barking into their (yellow and blue striped) PB radios, “HH is MIA, I repeat, HH is MIA”
By the way, here are two excellent Catholic Books, that I think are in the public domain, but I cant find any e-book version of them online. You might want to look out for them.
The Imitation of Mary by Thomas a Kempis
(If the Imitation of Christ is in the PD, then this must be, too.)
Basic Spiritual Means by Fr. Philip E. Dion.
(Published in 1936. I’m not too sure about the present copyright status)
Finally, I must mention that I was able to obtain my copies of “Mere Christianity” and “The Screwtape Letters” (and “The Christ of Catholicism”) through the same second-hand bookstore.
The pope fed stray cats? I find something new in him to like every day. (I, too like feeding stray cats.)
[Dear Jeff Miller, I’ve been a longtime reader of your most excellent blog, but this is the first time I’m posting a comment here. I shall keep you in my prayers.]
Yours in Christ,
Oh, glory! What a great idea.
B16 sneaks out, gets “lost” among the books… and the Swiss Guard is frantic… “HH is MIA”…
Wow, what a great plotline… is someone going to
go for it?
I’d read it…
Say, Innocent, is your last name “Smith” ? (as in GKC’s Manalive!!!)
Now, if the Pope’s booklist were as available as, say, Oprah’s, how many more Catholics would be on the same page? In the meantime, Jeff, have you considered a suggested reading list that remains on your blog? With titles and comments?
I’m always reading a handful of books at once, so when I see a good suggestion here, I write it down rather than go in search of it. Of course, you KNOW what happens to all those little notes-to-self we record randomly…(at least for the hopelessly disorganized and distracted) Just an idea…
To browse used book stores — or to play other people’s pianos. Wow, the guy just down the street has a Steinway…!