Crisis Magazine which is now web only got their web site up and going earlier this month and now they have a very active group blog going the inside blog.
I do with they included a RSS feed that showed the full posts though. With so many posts it is annoying to have to click on each post though and currently their posts just show up as "Blog Entries" and not the name of the blog. I understand that advertising on their site funds them, but you can put advertising in RSS feeds.
They also have an RSS feed for the main site, but it too is lacking in that it doesn’t really contain the current contents such as new articles. I subscribed to it last week and it hasn’t shown any new items even though new articles have been added.
Hey Jeff,
Thanks for the heads-up on the RSS problems. We were unaware. I’ll have the minions take a look.
Best to you,
As a subsciber who sadly just finished the last print-issue of CRISIS, I am eagerly awaiting the internet version which you’d said would be available 9/05. Best wishes for a powerful and ever-relevant series of “stuff” for us to mull over. I always enjoyed your columnists, even if I didn’t buy into each thing written.