Father Michael Pfleger defending Jeremiah
Wright and
Louis Farrakhan.
�Dr. Wright is one of the great
biblical scholars of our country and the best of preachers in the
prophetic tradition. Dr. Wright has been shamefully demonized by 30
second sound bites that have tried to re-define him into someone other
than who he is.”
Yeah sound bites from his own greatest
hits collection. It is
so good for a priest to defend someone like anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan
who has called white people “potential humans – they haven’t evolved
yet” or Jeremiah Wright who blames the government for creating
HIV/AIDS to target black people and prints propaganda from a terrorist
organization in his bulletin.
Funny though how such a “great biblical
scholar” has managed to write zero book on biblical scholarship.
One thing I find disturbing about Father
Michael Pfleger’s homily style is that it seems to be a stereotype of
largely black Protestant preachers. If he was transferred to
a parish with a largely white demographic I doubt if he would consider
speaking in the same way. It just seems to me to be quite
condescending, but maybe it is valid inculturation. It does
seem to me to be insulting in some way just like Hillary Clinton
adopting a different accent and speaking style when speaking before a
black congregation. Oh well, at least Father didn’t call for
snuffing out anybody this time.
We have these liberation theology communist priests in Georgia, too. It takes persistence, but they can be removed and, removed this Michael Pfleger must be. I detected a slight accent in his speech–does anyone know where he was born? My guess is somewhere in the Easter Bloc.
His sanctuary looks like an insult to the Most High. Why is the altar sitting there with a book on it? Why is it lower than his own pulpit? Why is everything arranged an the least-Catholic configuration possible?
Yes, he’s the 60-90 minute man. He protested his reassignment a few years ago, and guess what? He was allowed to stay in his parish. I think he has also allowed nuns and lay people to give homilies. And somehow, Cardinal George continues to ignore it.
Not at all surprised to hear this from this blowhard of a priest.
Defrock him, I say!
This story just came on Bill O’Rilley, and I immediately turned to see if you have something on it too. This priest needs lots and lots of prayers, and it is quite funny that his normal speaking voice sounds like a man from the south and his homily voice sounds like Jeff said a “stereotypical” black preacher. I also find it amusing that my parents looked at me like I was nuts when I said oh the Catholic blogs have been buzzing about this for a while.
This guy is absolutely ridiculous. As a beginner in the Catholic faith, I am embarrassed by this “Father.”
No way could I sit in his church.
Love your blog, btw!! This is a definite must visit for me every day! 🙂
Another T.O.L.F. (Tired Old Lefty Fraud)…ticktockticktockticktock…
Who is this guy? Bob Jones in a dog collar? Yuchh.
Two words: White Guilt.
You’re dead on with his homily style. I’ve attended predominately African-American churches and their sermons are pretty much impassioned exhortations. But the anger? I find it interesting that he is taking all of it so personally.
Here’s what I don’t understand: Fr. Pfleger finds it morally responsible to confront rappers for “disrespectful lyrics” but yet can justify an African-American using the word n****r from the pulpit, using the Lord’s name in vain from the pulpit, and using divisive, inflammatory racist language from the pulpit? Whaaa’?????
Some folks just make me shake my head. I can’t believe he received even one second of a Jesuit education. If I were Loyala University, I’d demand the diploma back.
Oops, I meant Loyola..
Good points about the altar. This configuration is typical for African-American churches. Often the choir sits high in the front, facing the congregation. Often the pastor has to turn around to address them.
Can’t say enough about the brilliance of having a choir sitting in a balcony in the back…
The guy is awful as a priest, violating rules left and right, but Cardinal George can’t remove him because he does an awful lot for the community. There would literally be a riot here in Chicago if he were defrocked.
Far Left Radical? You’re protected.
Far Right Radical? You’re out within 2 days.
What a joke.
Isn’t this the priest that adopted a boy?
I seriously doubt that’s his church, or any Catholic Church. He must be visiting another church. I mean, unless he’s saying Mass ad orientum…which would kind of surprise me.
I had the same question. I remember reading that story in a CatholicDigest years and years ago.
If this is the same priest, and I believe it was a Chicago priest, then the story also highlighted his 60-90 minute “homilies.” Totally inappropriate.
How did Cardinal Mahony allow this guy to become a priest? Uh, never mind …
Pray for Cardinal George.
We definately need to pray for Cardinal George.
That remark about being to the right and you’re kicked out is very true. (It happeed to me)
60-90 min homilies? Ad Entertainem anyone?
The incultralization technique isn’t valid, as I do quite a few black’s who are quite soft spoken in public speech (I’m one of them). It’s just more of the Church is supposed to be an emotional experience.
Any priests willing to do exorcism of SOVII? (I’m not yet ordained :()
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