Mulier Fortis tagged
with this meme.
1. When tagged place the name and URL
on your blog.
2. Post rules on your blog.
3. Write 7 non-important things/habit/quirks about yourself.
4. Name 7 of your favourite blogs.
5. Send an email/comment on their blog letting them know they have been
What only seven quirks? Well I guess I
will pick some book related ones.
- I use a portable iPod stereo so I can listen to books while
shaving and taking a shower. - I made a custom book stand that I use in my bathroom
(a.k.a. library) and I bet I have read more books in bathrooms than
many people have read in their whole life. In fact I think I
have read more books in chow lines aboard ships than many people have
read in their lives. - I get author centric. If I find a new author I
really like I read everything I can from their catalog and read a bunch
of their books in a row. - I usually have three books going at once. One to
listen to on my iPod while working/driving, a novel, and some
spiritual reading. And of course there is the Liturgy of the Hours. - Because that is not enough reading I also subscribe to
podcast novels not to mention numerous podcasts. - Currently my aggregator has 476 RSS feeds and about 80
percent of them are Catholic blogs. I remember when I could
read all the Catholic blogs during lunch, but that was six years ago. - I hate getting rid of books even if I have run out of room
to store them. Books are friends and you don’t dump your friends.
Now as to seven of my favorite blogs. Sorry I have too many
favorites. So if you want to do this meme consider yourself
Wow… I’m impressed!
I agree about the statement “Books are friends and you don’t dump your friends”.
I always feel ashamed like right now when I have friends who are in 2 piles about 4 feet high looking for a place to live in which I can’t give them. But they will just have to wait there until the day I get more room so that they too can have a good place to live.
“I get author centric. If I find a new author I really like I read everything I can from their catalog and read a bunch of their books in a row.”
Is this a quirk? Just shows we don’t know our own idiosyncracies. I do this all the time and thought it was normal.
“I hate getting rid of books even if I have run out of room to store them. Books are friends and you don’t dump your friends.”
My wife doens’t like the fact that I have so many friends.