Yesterday D. G. D. Davidson of The Sci Fi Catholic announced that he had been accepted to the seminary and will be attending during the fall. He will make a great priest and explains some of the reasons why he is discerning the call.
Power. Over you, specifically. One aspect of the priesthood has a particular appeal to me, and that’s the ability to exert control over superstitious parishioners via their deceased loved ones. If you don’t do what I say, or give me sufficient money, I’ll have the ability to cast your dead relatives from purgatory into hell. Think about that for a minute and then tell me who wouldn’t want to be a priest.
Wealth. Speaking of sufficient money, we all know the Vatican has gigantic vats full of it, so much that if the Church only opened her greedy coffers, she could instantly solve all the world’s problems with her enormous monetary assets and still have enough left over to fund an ill-fated space program involving flying cathedrals and confused nuns. Fortunately, she’s not going to do that, because every good bishop knows money was made for swimming in, Scrooge McDuck style. As a mere priest I won’t have a big vat of moolah like the pope, but I’m sure I can acquire a small bathtub full, which is sufficient for my modest needs.
Influence. As a priest, I might be able to speed up the process of the canonization of Isaac Leibowitz. I mean, let’s get this show on the road here. What’s taking so long?
He really gets the priesthood and of course trying to get a fictional character in a class SF novel canonized would be great. He also lists other great reasons.
1 comment
Gee, what a coincidence! The three main reasons I became a parent!