There has been some pro and con reaction to Catholic Vote’s photo showing the current and last two popes with a caption Hope, Faith, and Charity under each one. Now you can’t expect much from such a simple meme to be more than a great oversimplification of these papacies. But that is the problem in that it is an oversimplification and a narrative that just doesn’t fit.
I totally agree with Fr. John Trigillio in his worthwhile post on the subject at The Black Biretta.
1 comment
Franky I sent a response to Fr. John for saying publicly what many others (including myself) have thought but did not dare say. Yes when it comes to not just the secular media and even Catholic Media they are spinning it to make it look hes the First Pope to do ANYTHING when he really is not. The only firsts that are certain about him are 3-He is the first Jesuit to be elected 2 He is the first in the Americas to be elected and 3 He is the first Pope to take the name of Francis. But beyond these thinks he is NOT the first “humble” or “simple” Pope in modern times. St Pius X was dirt poor but he wore a cross made out of tin and used the same watch. He was also humble. Pius XII John XIII was the “first” Pope to “reach out with open arms to everybody”. John Paul I was the one who stopped the Coronation and use of We Us Ours and to have small children speak at his own audiences. Everything did NOT start with Francis. Benedict took public transportation to work when he was head of the CDF. Keep Things in their proper perspective. If Not Like Cardinal Arinze has warned its all about the “Man” rather than the “Office.