The Sacred Page Michael Barber is a professor of scripture and theology at John Paul the Great University. He maintains a blog called The Sacred Page along with two other professors. In addition he has created a podcast with the same name.
This is a quite excellent podcast with a focus on scripture. Michael Barber’s love of what he is teaching is infectious and it is hard to not get excited by what he is teaching. The podcast ranges from a typical hour long topic or shorter ones following the liturgical calendar. During Advent and Christmastide he has been rather active producing several shows.
I like the way he can give the basics of a topic and then go deeper while also providing historical information.
My only complaint is that as far as consistency goes this podcast is not always on any kind of schedule.
St. Irenaeus Ministries This is a podcast produced by the St. Irenaeus Ministries in Rochester, NY. My first though was to echo Nathaniel “Rochester! Can anything good come from there?” Well the answer is a massive yes. This weekly podcasts goes through books in the bible and provides commentary. This seems to be a recorded version of a class where there are questions from the group.
The main speaker is David Higbee who converted to the Church in the 70’s. He is quite a good teacher and has an amazing depth of knowledge. I have especially enjoyed his teaching on the Pauline epistles He really dives into the scriptures and you come to understand them much better on a multiple levels. What he has to say is solid and orthodox along with keen insights. The personality that comes across to me in the podcast is a bit gruff at time, he doesn’t put up with heterodox opinions lightly. Although for me that is a plus and not a minus.
Thanks for the links! I loved Dr. Pitre’s “Jewish Roots of the Eucharist” and have always enjoyed Dr. Barber when he’s on Catholic Answers. I have already subscribed to the podcast!! AWESOME!!
I’ve been a fan of the St. Irenaeus Ministries podcast for some time. What I love about David Higbee is that he is both orthodox and, yet, charitable in his comments. The perfect combination when combined with his extensive knowledge.
(((1.A better knowledge of the Truth;
2..A deeper Spiritual Life and
3. A more authentic and powerful witness to our Lord, Jesus Christ.)))
There ya got “IT” all right there Jeff but when are ya so called catholics going to learn “IT” all? Are ya waiting for the year of faith to finish?
STOP THAT RIGHT NOW sinner vic cause we Catholic’s are doing the best we can. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a “Day”.
I hear ya sinner vic! Let U>S (usual sinners) show ya how “IT” is done. Long story short, just tell Panda Rosa that we’ll called salvage, I mean Jack and then we’ll team UP all of Victors spiritual reality cells to get her and then when we get to The Pit together and have Reacher, I mean reach her, then we gods of the universe will show ya in reality what we can really do!
VERY FUNNY sinner vic! What are ya doing auditioning for a movie part or What?