“Today, virtually all American women use contraception at some point in their lives.”
Nice to know the reasons HHS Secretary Sebelius gives for violating the 1st amendment of the Constitution. They had to balance voiding our religious rights with people getting their contraception paid for by people who consider it an intrinsic evil. Funny how whenever our rights come up to a balancing equation, the scale seems to be weighted against us. You can balance one persons rights against anthers and if you are doing so then you know on one side it is not a right. We have a right to free exercise of religion, not a right to forcing employees to buy specific coverage. You can not balance the rights of an employer with the wants of an employee. Though this whole situation is partly a result of employee healthcare plans partly paid for from the company they work for. This artificially keeps costs up since there is not the pressure to lower costs if each individual was in the market for their own health care insurance.
Plus you know any article that starts with the line quoted above is going to be bad. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” unless there are those in that religion that go agains their faith. You have religious freedom just as long members of the faith are perfect. Darn as a Catholic and a sinner I guess I lose out on that free exercise stuff.
The religious exemption in the administration’s rule is the same as the exemption in Oregon, New York and California.
Wow listing those states make me feel much better. Hey if blue state big government jerks are doing it, it must be okay.
And the president and this administration continue to support existing conscience protections.
At least the ones they haven’t rolled up yet since President Bush left office.
But birth control can also be quite expensive, costing an average of $600 a year, which puts it out of reach for many women whose health plans don’t cover it.
Well she even lies about the cost. As even Planned Parenthood notes the cost of the pills are between $15 – $50 a month which would make the average to be less than the maximum $600 a year she quotes. But again the cost has nothing to do with it. The Constitution is not a document with a graded pay scale attached to it when as to when it can become violated.
Three years ago, 26 prominent American Catholics signed an online petition in support of Kathleen Sebelius’ nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Some of the signers are having second thoughts, but many are also doubling down in defending the indefensible.