Creative Minority Reports covers an article in the Miami New Times that must be seen to be believed. If the article and accompanying picture was in The Onion it would be hilarious. It has all the markings of a parody except in fact being one.
By the way the picture was taken by a photographer whose biography screams “ax to grind”
Tabatha Mudra was born on the side of the road in south eastern Iowa in the early 1980’s and later adopted into a family of pious Estonian Vagabonds. Unscathed by the confines of Estonian dogma as a child,
Oh those mean dogmatic Christians who actually went and adopted a child and tried to teach her truth.
I just googled (well, actually, AltaVista’d) “Estonian Vagabonds”. What came up first was “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. Are they implying we Christians are Aliens? Hmmm. There’s some philosophical truth in that, when you thin about it. (Wish I looked as cheery as that picture, BTW.)
“How the media sees Christians…” What’s especially sad is that these happy-clappy chirpy wanna-be-a-sunbeam-for-JAYeezuz types really do exist; you cannot make them up.
For a piece that’s supposed to be a hard-hitting exposé of Tom Monaghan and Barron Collier’s attempt to make a combination suburban development and Branch Davidian compound, they’re not too subtle in their biases, are they? Oh, well … there goes THAT Pulitzer nomination.
Naturally, this is what I have come to expect from the lame stream media which knows only to destroy and rarely ever builds, unless it is a ‘Brave New World’.
Hey… at least these Christians are pictured as happy. I think the media see Christians MUCH more sour-faced. Unless, of course, they’re ruining someone’s life by explaining a moral code of some sort — then (and ONLY then) they will get a fiendish grin on their face.