I was thinking about the Lepers who walked away cured and the fact that only one returned to thank Jesus. Unfortunately it is much to easy to identify with the Lepers who walked away considering how much Jesus has done for us and how small the gratitude we return. I know I have certainly received more graces than the amount of gratitude I have shown. It is so easy to contribute any progress towards your own faith without realizing that faith was a totally gratuitous gift in the first place.
I always loved how when Mother Angelica received some praise she would say in reply “Thank you Jesus.” If only I could remember to do that.
So I take a moment to thank God for guiding my stumbling into his Church and that I may continue to stumble across the narrow path that leads to salvation.
Thank you for this reminder.
It is said that the great Anglican poet George Herbert, whenever he was praised or honored in any way, would say “Less than the least of God’s mercies.” I keep meaning to acquire that habit, and somehow never do…
A timelely reminder, for which I thank you, to this slack and ungrateful Catholic.
Venerable Solanus Casey often said, “Gratitude is the first sign of a thinking, rational creature.”