VATICAN CITY — The Vatican this weekend opened six Twitter accounts, including one in English.
This time it actually appear true. Previously someone did a Vatican twitter feed that was picked up and promoted by the Vatican as an official feed. As usual the media did not seek confirmation first.
The English Twitter feed is news_va_en – doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. Though they do have an avatar of a St. Peter statue. St. really should be the Patron Saint of Tweeting in that often he said something before really thinking about it. In fact I could easily see Peter tweeting at the Transfiguration. “Master, its well that we R hre; let us make 3 booths, 1 4 U & 1 4 Moses & 1 4 Eli’jah.” and of course scripture records “For he did not know what to say ” — Patron Saint of Tweeting for sure.
I have pondered that one day Congregation for the Causes of Saints will investigates someone Twitter feed for heroic sanctity in the course of an investigation. In fact the first miracle could be finding signs of heroic sanctity in a Twitter feed. Well at least they would know what the Servant of God had for lunch.
Oh well I guess it is better than the Congregation for the Causes of Saint going through a Servant of God’s Facebook page and determining what if anything their score of Farmville means
Now I am all for the Vatican getting more fully involved in Social Networking, but I was rather disappointed when I saw the new Vatican home page.
This is beyond bizarre.
Maybe bizarre…but hey bizarre is all good and it is quite funny you have to admit.. 😀
Dear Jeff,
I can just imagine the Vatican going all gung-ho with the social networks and then keep the sadistic search program we all know and hate.