The Weekly Francis is a compilation of the Holy Father’s writings, speeches, etc., which I also cross-post on Jimmy Akin’s blog.
This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week, from 2 November 2022 to 8 November 2022.
- 3 November 2022 – Apostolic Journey to the Kingdom of Bahrain’ Meeting with the Authorities, Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps (Awali)
- 4 November 2022 – Apostolic Journey to the Kingdom of Bahrain’ Closing of the ‘Bahrain Forum for Dialogue’ East and West for Human Coexistence’ (Al-Fida’ Square of Sakhir Royal Palace, Awali)
- 4 November 2022 – Apostolic Journey to the Kingdom of Bahrain’ Meeting with the Members of the Muslim Council of Elders at the Mosque of Sakhir Royal Palace (Awali)
- 4 November 2022 – Apostolic Journey to the Kingdom of Bahrain’ Ecumenical meeting and Prayer For Peace in Our Lady of Arabia Cathedral
- 5 November 2022 – Apostolic Journey to the Kingdom of Bahrain’ Meeting with the Youth in Sacred Heart School (Awali)
- 6 November 2022 – Apostolic Journey to the Kingdom of Bahrain’ Prayer Meeting and Angelus with Bishops, Priests, Consecrated Persons, Seminarians and Pastoral Workers (Sacred Heart Church in Manama)
- 7 November 2022 – Community of the ‘Claretianum’ Institute of Theology of Consecrated Life
Papal Tweets
- “Tomorrow I leave for an Apostolic Journey to the Kingdom of Bahrain, a Journey under the banner of dialogue. I will participate in a Forum focusing on the inescapable need for the East and West to come closer together for the good of human coexistence.” @Pontifex, 2 November 2022
- “Today, the Lord reminds us that death comes to make truth of life. The Gospel explains how to live out the wait: we go to meet God by loving, because He is love.” @Pontifex, 2 November 2022
- “On the day of our farewell, it will be a delightful surprise, if we now allow ourselves to be surprised by the presence of God, waiting for us among the world’s poor and wounded.” @Pontifex, 2 November 2022
- “May we never allow opportunities for encounter between civilizations, religions and cultures to evaporate. Let us never permit the roots of our humanity to dry up! Let us work together! Let us work for togetherness, for hope! #ApostolicJourney #Bahrain” @Pontifex, 3 November 2022
- “These days in the Kingdom of #Bahrain mark a precious stage in the journey of friendship that has intensified in recent years with various Islamic religious leaders: a fraternal journey that, beneath the gaze of Heaven, seeks to foster peace on earth. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 3 November 2022
- “The Kingdom of #Bahrain Declaration teaches that ”whenever hatred, violence and discord are preached, God’s name is desecrated“. The one who is religious strongly rejects the blasphemy of war and the use of violence. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 4 November 2022
- “The religious person, the person of peace, is opposed to the race to rearmament, to the business of war, to the market of death. They do not support “alliances against some”, but paths of encounter with all, pursuing the path of fraternity, dialogue, peace. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 4 November 2022
- “In the garden of humanity, we are playing with fire, missiles and bombs, with weapons that bring sorrow and death, covering our common home with ashes and hatred. I extend my heartfelt appeal to everyone that the war in #Ukraine be ended and that serious #peace negotiations begin” @Pontifex, 4 November 2022
- “God is the Source of peace and never brings about war, hatred, or violence. We, who believe in Him, are called to promote peace through encounter, patient negotiations and dialogue, which is the oxygen of peaceful coexistence. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 4 November 2022
- “Our instruments are prayer and fraternity. These are our modest but effective weapons. We must not let ourselves be tempted by shortcuts unworthy of the Most High, whose name of Peace is dishonoured by those who nurture violence, war and the arms trade.” @Pontifex, 4 November 2022
- “We cannot witness to the God of love unless we Christians are united among ourselves as He desires. And we cannot be united without being open to witness in the name of the Spirit who wants to reach everyone. #ApostolicJourney #UnityOfChristians” @Pontifex, 4 November 2022
- “The Creator invites us to act on behalf of all his creatures who do not yet find a sufficient place on the agenda of the powerful: the poor, the unborn, the elderly, the infirm, migrants… If we who believe in the God of mercy do not listen to the poor, who will?#ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 4 November 2022
- “Christian martyrs of various confessions – how many there have been in these recent years! – form a single starry sky, guiding our way as we journey through the deserts of history. We have the same goal: all of us are called to the fullness of communion in God.” @Pontifex, 4 November 2022
- “The culture of care is the antidote to a world rife with individualism and imprisoned by sadness. Let us learn to take care of others, of our cities, of our society, of creation so as to experience the joy of friendship and generosity.” @Pontifex, 5 November 2022
- “You young people are the leaven in the dough of the world, destined to rise, to break down many social and cultural barriers and to foster the blossoming of fraternity and innovation, becoming the basis of a friendly and solidary society. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 5 November 2022
- “Be champions of fraternity, sowers of fraternity. Thus you will be builders of the future, because only in fraternity will our world have a future!” @Pontifex, 5 November 2022
- “Before going to the internet for advice, always seek out good counselors in life, wise and reliable people who can guide and help you. Each of us needs to be accompanied on the road of life!” @Pontifex, 5 November 2022
- “To love like Jesus is above all a grace to be implored insistently: “Jesus, you who love me, teach me to love like you. Jesus, you who forgive me, teach me to forgive like you. Send your Spirit, the Spirit of love, upon me.” Homily” @Pontifex, 5 November 2022
- “Behold Christ’s power: love. The greatness of his power does not derive from the force of violence, but from the weakness of love. He gives us the strength to love like he loved: unconditionally, always, everyone, even our enemies. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 5 November 2022
- “That is what the Lord asks of us: to commit ourselves to practice universal fraternity, to persevere in good even when evil is done to us, to break the spiral of revenge by disarming violence and demilitarizing the heart. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 5 November 2022
- “The Spirit is a wellspring of joy. The fresh water the Lord wants to make flow in the deserts of our humanity is the certainty that even despite the struggles and dark nights we sometimes endure, we are not alone, lost or defeated, because He is with us.” @Pontifex, 6 November 2022
- “Christian joy is contagious because the Gospel makes us go beyond ourselves to share the beauty of God’s love. We cannot keep Christian joy to ourselves. It multiplies once we start spreading it.” @Pontifex, 6 November 2022
- “The Holy Spirit is a wellspring of unity. His fire burns away worldly desires and kindles in our lives the warm and compassionate love with which Jesus loves us, so that we in turn can love one another like that.” @Pontifex, 6 November 2022
- “If we have received the Spirit, our ecclesial vocation is above all to preserve unity and cultivate it together. To be credible in our dialogue with others, let us live in fraternity among ourselves.” @Pontifex, 6 November 2022
- “The Spirit is a wellspring of prophecy. We cannot pretend not to see the works of evil, so as to live a “quiet life” and not get our hands dirty. We have received a Spirit of prophecy to bear the light by proclaiming the Gospel by our living witness. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 6 November 2022
- “La profecía nos hace capaces de practicar las Bienaventuranzas evangélicas en las situaciones de cada día, es decir, de edificar con firme mansedumbre ese Reino de Dios en el que el amor, la justicia y la paz se oponen a toda forma de egoísmo, de violencia y de degradación.” @Pontifex, 6 November 2022
- “Prophecy makes us capable of putting the Beatitudes into practice in everyday situations, meekly, yet resolutely, building God’s kingdom in which love, justice and peace are opposed to every form of selfishness, violence and degradation.” @Pontifex, 6 November 2022
- “Thank you for these days passed together. With a heart filled with gratitude I bless all of you, especially those who worked to prepare for this journey. I thank His Majesty the King, and the Authorities of #Bahrain for their exquisite hospitality. #ApostolicJourney” @Pontifex, 6 November 2022
- “The signing of the agreement regarding the situation in #Ethiopia is a source of hope. Let us support this commitment for a lasting #peace. And let us continue to pray for war-torn #Ukraine. May that war might come to an end.” @Pontifex, 6 November 2022
- “Let us read the lives of the saints which narrate in a comprehensible way the style God uses in the lives of people not that different from us since the saints were made of flesh and blood like us. Their deeds dialogue with our own actions, and help us understand what they mean.” @Pontifex, 7 November 2022
- “#Holiness is not a process of struggles and renunciations. It is above all the experience of being loved by God, of freely receiving his love, his mercy.” @Pontifex, 8 November 2022
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