Ross Douthat in a Twitter essay yesterday (21 tweets) said in one tweet. Tweet’s listed here
That’s what there is to see here: Not anti-Catholic “bigotry” (an overused word), but a window into how the Catholic civil war is fought.
This is something that resonated with me as I was already thinking about how anti-Catholic was being overused. Not agreeing with Catholics is not anti-Catholic. No more than not agreeing with atheists or Protestants makes you anti-atheist or anti-Protestant in the pejorative way of reflexive bigotry. They are bigots in the classic sense of “prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own”. There is pretty much zero-striving towards understanding the arguments of those you disagree with. But there is a lot of that going around. This is not to deny true the existence of true anti-Catholicism.
No they are just fine with Catholics who reject the Magisterium like Biden/Kaine/Kerry. It is Catholics who actually believe and follow the faith they have trouble with on most issues. This is why they shift the terminology of “Religious Freedom” to “Freedom of Worship”.
In C.C. Pecknold’s fine article on The Progressives’ Plot to Change Catholicism he references:
In some ways, the Investiture Controversies of the 12th and 13th centuries never ended. Kings continue to want to bring the Church under their control.
There will always be efforts to bring the Church under control. The Chinese government has their Patriotic churches and John Podesta and others create astroturf groups to project their secular values as the faith of the Church. This is doomed to fail as it historically has always failed. Catholics keep trying to bring the Church under control.
If the Church is merely a human institution as the Church’s critics maintain then it makes perfect sense to try to subvert it to your own message. It is not anti-Catholic to do so, it is just mistaken as to the reality of Christ’s church.
I love the closing paragraph here, I’m sending it on to my wife – it really sums up the issue well. Thanks as always for your insight.
“Catholics keep trying to bring the Church under control.”
Jeff, I’ve been noticing this for more than fifty years but I’ve always convinced myself that it really was not that bad and didn’t really push the issue thinking that if God wanted me to get involved, there’s no way that I would be able to refuse HIM… On one particular issue… I honestly believe that God might have quietly spoke to me once when I use to go daily to a very popular Catholic church in our city and saw a person bringing a dog and on occasion Mass was being said… Anyway, as a Catholic, my heart quietly said … Hey Victor this person is probably blind and needs this dog for guidance so “Let it be”…
Later my wife told me that this person was not blind and although I never heard God talk to me, my heart nevertheless quietly convinced me that if dogs were allowed during Mass then Homosexuality would eventually be legalized in all Catholic churches… I believed that in some way, I should try to discourage this practice and I did by pretending to talk to this person’s dog anytime I was at Mass and long story short… Those who attended knew what I was trying to do.
After about what seemed like a few years, that dog eventually stopped attending Mass and I thought that our Catholic church had finally agreed with me that dogs should not be present when God’s Angel took Bread and Wine to His Altar during Mass.
Yes I kept praying and things seem to be going my way and one of our grandson would be doing his ‘Confirmation’ on “Pentecost Day” and he had chosen me to be his sponsor and let’s just say that I was one happy man at that moment…. It was a very popular day and because I could not find quick parking, I let my wife and grandson out in front of the church and told them that I would join them as soon as I found a parking spot.
A few minutes or so later I found myself in church and the back of the church was packed… I mean packed…. let’s just say that late comers would be lucky if they got standing room in the next
few minutes. Anyway, I was on my way to the front to join my grandson when for some reason before going up, I looked to my “Left” and behold there was that dog that I knew accompanied by the same person. I quietly said to myself, “You’ve got to be kidding God?” What could I do? I walked to the dog and bent down In front of this dog and said in a normal voice… “What are you doing here? How many times have I told you that you’re not allowed at Mass and as I was still talking to the dog… a few guys on my left were telling me to keep quiet but I kept on cause I was not finished talking to the dog yet… A voice said, “If you don’t keep quiet, we’ll have to throw you out… While still on one knee, I looked up at this man and he was tall… I stood Up and looked him in the eyes while quickly saying, “Now who’s going to throw me out of My Father’s House?
I didn’t want an ‘UPROAR’ in our Catholic Church while “The Holy Spirit” was present so I let them literally throw me out.
Try a little “Empathy” but not for too long.. Longer story shorter… After having spoken to a few people who asked me “What Wrong?”, GOD quietly told me to go back in and join my grandson cause at this moment he needed his sponsor… Let’s close by saying that I walked in while our good Bishop was giving his sermon and only one man told me to wait until he was finished but this little old lady walked up to him and said, he’s a sponsor and you’re not stopping him… I’m glad I did because our grandson had already taken off his tie and undone all of his white shirt button and let’s just say that he was ready to practice the few lessons that his grandma and grandpa had paid for… LOL
Thank you Victor. As I pray this night from my Lay Carmelite BVMLittle Office I will ask the blessings of Jesus for you and your family. Age and health affects my ability to write much. But I’ll keep trying to write more. My English teacher in 1948 gave me c’s even though I should have had d’s.
Papal Tweet says the Lord creates harmony out of diversity. At our Friend Center We are Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, etal. We act like one happy family and help those in need.
Thank you for your prayers Joseph.
God also Bless you and yours.