One thing about Mass at Christmas is that choirs suddenly remember that there were hymns written before 1960. Seriously though I so love the work that choirs put into the hymns for Mass at Christmas. Each year usually I give an A for effort, not for technical performance. They are giving up their time so I try to put away my hypercriticalness. Last year it was hard to do that since the choir consisted of a couple of really awful singers whose discordance felt like screeching chalk on a chalkboard to me.
This year we drove down to Orlando to the Basillica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe which ministers to Disneyworld tourists. First bonus is that the doors to the Basillica have been dedicated as Holy Doors for the Year of Mercy. Have been there several times and the performances of the hymns was usually excellent, but not done by a full choir. It was totally worth the 2 hour plus drive down and then back again. I was really blown away by the performance of the choir and partial orchestra. A couple of times it brought tears to my eyes in joy. They were of one voice and I could not discern individual vocalists. Plus there is something incredible about a live choir in a room with good acoustics. Sure I can listen to great technical performances on CD or streaming, but there is a sacramental quality to hearing these hymns performed live. The downside it that I will be comparing subsequent experiences. I certainly was thankful to God for this and prayed in gratitude for the members of the choir and orchestra (in lieu of clapping).
Over the years I have heard excellent solo performances at Mass, just not a choir acting as one. I realize how hard this is to do having spent four years in a High School choir where this goal is rarely met (especially my efforts).
The homily was a bit of a disappointment. Pretty much totally forgettable. A intro personal story was fine, but as is often the case had nothing to do with the homily other than as a warmup icebreaker. As with most homilies I see them as another opportunity lost. Sure personally I do turn to multiple homiletic sources via podcast or written to find something more substantial. So maybe for once the disappointment isn’t “all about me”. I guess I really do want other people to have something substantial to light the fire of their faith and the turning once again to the Lord. I know I need all the help I can get. Besides something is seriously wrong when you can’t preach on the incarnation, the birth of the Messiah. It is as if repentance is a landmine that must be stepped around and our desperate need for our Savior.
Still I am sure God can bring good out of even bad or mediocre homilies.
Oh and one other thing I found annoying. They usually have some patter regarding this not being part of the diocese and some fundraising pitch. Which is fine as far as it goes. But asking if there were any people from out of town? Sure this was asked rather humorlessly for a church that is almost entirely made up of tourists. It was kind of a meta joke regarding other parishes that ask this. But then they were actually asking people to raise hands and announce where they were from. Fortunately they only asked a sampling or I think we would still be there waiting for Mass to go on.
Otherwise the Mass was quite beautiful rising up my gratitude to God. Te Deum laudimus!
Still I wish they would return the “crucifix” from the set of Frozen.

1 comment
Really, just like your sparky “review” of Christmas Mass… What a disappointment of an article, nothing of the Lord in the Eucharist present, the participation at Holy Mass, the fact that vacationers actually took time to attend the Holy Sacrifice.
So, like your criticism of the homily, this post was bland, uninteresting & thank God it’s over.
Now in to other postings about the goodness of our Catholic faith, the joy of being with believers, life in Christ.
And, why don’t you write a homily, post it online & we’ll see how you do. I work hard to preach a word of meaning to God’s people who, I am sure, there were some bland folks like yourself who are better critics than supporters. Watch a good episode of the jester who lost Christmas…. I’ll pray for you. May Christ’s peace be with you.