The crucifix on the top of the Pope’s crozier broke after a small accident during morning events at Sarajevo. Since there was another crozier available it was taped up with white tape and used during events of the day.
Not surprisingly many sites are having fun with this from secular to Catholic blogs. Also not surprisingly those who are not fans of the Paul VI style crucifix are also piling on. Aesthetically I am not a fan of the style as to me it looks like a crucifix left out in the sun to long.
Perhaps the crozier had a staff infection making it weaker.

Pope Francis arrives to lead the mass at the stadium in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 6, 2015. REUTERS/Max Rossi
Still I can somewhat sympathize with this accident in a very tangental way.
In high school we had a variety show called Nostalgia made up of homages to the past. I played the character of W.C. Fields of whom I had mimicked from an early age. I used a pool cue as a prop in this act and during one performance it broke in two. As luck would have it I quickly improvised and said in the W.C. Fields voice “Cheap foreign goods” which got a sustained laugh. For the rest of the short run that became part of the act.