Last Sunday HBO’s show “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” had a discussion regarding the Pope and his not watching TV and relating him to Walter White in Breaking Bad. This was partly in response to the Vatican’s Secretary of State common that this was “defeat for humanity” regarding Ireland’s vote that legalized same-sex-so-called marriage.
He of course goes down the checklist of opening remarks regarding the Church.
- Priestly abuse scandal ☑
- Crusades ☑
- Forced adoptions ☑
- Pope wears a silly hat ☑
Now as a fan of Breaking Bad I was wondering just how this comparison was made. Although as I expected the comparison wasn’t even comically insightful regarding the show or the Pope.
Here is the transcript from the section in response to the recent story about Pope Francis not watching TV for 25 years.
OLIVER: (audience laughs) Oh, I’m sorry, Pope – this isn’t for you? (audience laughs) This isn’t – actually, that’s a good instinct. This show is definitely not for you. (audience laughs) It’s why, in the little warning card at the top of every episode, it says ‘UP’ – ‘unsuitable for popes.’ (audience laughs)
But – but it is a shame, because it might have helped if the Pope had been watching TV over the last 25 years. TV shows have done a lot to acclimate people to same-sex relationships. There was Will and Grace; there was Ellen; Queer as Folk; SpongeBob SquarePants (audience laughs) Oh – oh, please! They hang out in a pineapple under the sea. Read between the lines. (audience laughs) I’m just saying, Pope – if you’d watched TV, not only would you have learned a lot, but there are shows that you might have really liked. If nothing else, I think you’d have loved Breaking Bad. (audience laughs) That’s a show you could really relate to. It’s a story about a man gradually losing touch with reality; overseeing a vast criminal enterprise; and yet, so powerful that no one’s brave enough to tell he’s wearing a very silly hat.
This part is actually insightful commentary. This is an acknowledgment about just how effective the propaganda put out by Hollywood has been in pushing same-sex-so-called marriage.
No it was not enough for the pope to have studied Natural Law and Revelation. That what he knows and has learned about the anthropology of the human person is not meaningful. No what he should have done is to watch TV where shows made a concerted effort to introduce sympathetic characters with same-sex attraction. This campaign of “acclimation” has been widely successful.
No intellectual argument is appealed to, but instead fictionalized characters. No treatise by St. Thomas Aquinas on will and grace matters, it is the TV show “Will and Grace” that trumps it all.
Objection 1: Same Sex acts are intrinsically disordered.
On the contrary: Ellen is very funny.
During WWII Hollywood were also successful in selling War Bonds with celebrities pushing them along with reels before movies also pushing them. Now we have that same concerted effort where most shows now must have to have sympathetic character with same-sex attraction. Is is any wonder Americans have come to believe that a large section of the population is made up of those with same-sex attraction? (Americans Have No Idea How Few Gay People There Are)
The wonderful thing about being Catholic is that we don’t leave our intellects at the door. That we can come to have a deeper understanding of the human person and love of our neighbor – all without even watching a sitcom!
CCC 2358: The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
You forgot a couple points:
1. Apparently, people from Argentina are supposed to watch US shows only.
2. It’s totally sensible for the whole world to let Hollywood make moral decrees inbetween parties, whereas listening to an institution with over 2000 years of experience in the field is foolish.
3. The only way anyone could possibly oppose Hollywood is if one were ignorant of their decrees. It is impossible to have an informed opinion which disagrees with Hollywood.
Oh, and one more:
4. The Church was shamed out of patronizing art, music, and drama at precisely the point when its enemies were busy taking over those fields.