Two years ago I reviewed Sinner by Lino Rulli which was a very funny and at times serious book and piecemeal autobiography. Lino Rulli who hosts “The Catholic Guy” on Sirius Radio has now written a follow-up book Saint: Why I Should Be Canonized Right Away. This is a very tongue-firmly-in-cheek framework where Lino explains how his life so far qualifies him to be canonized a saint. This is another piecemeal autobiography where he explores parts of his life topically not sequentially.
Along the way behind all the humor there are serious points to be made about living your life as a Catholic. Again what is appealing about his books is the total lack of pretention and the honest look at himself faults and all. Although this is beyond defensive self-deprecating humor and is more along of the lines of simple honesty. The first book contained many funny stories from his life that seemed like almost a running gag punctuated with hard-to-believe facts like that his father left his job to become an organ-grinder. There is even more along that theme in this book involving the circus.
The canonize-me-now framework of the book mostly works as a humor device since you always know it is a device and not pride. So there is some nice comedy regarding this aspect. I especially enjoyed this since I have explored some of the same humor in some of my own posts Saintly Planning and n Planning to be a Doctor of the Church.
One annoying aspect of the book is that I found way to much that I could relate to. I had plenty to commiserate with Lino on. I would rather laugh at Lino struggles, than my own. Still I think many will find points of contact with what he writes. I’ve personally found laughing at my own faults to be a help in both acknowledging them and repenting of them. So I found lots of points of contact, but his later chapter regarding his struggles with his large nose hit too close to home. Although mine is not Italian and more along the lines of W.C. Fields (no surprise I once did him as a character in a show).
I had fun reading this book and it is a nice companion to his first book. Certainly not for everybody, especially those who are sensitive regarding the use of humor alongside of discussions of the faith. I suspect those that read my blog don’t have that problem. Still I occasionally get emails complaining about the mixture of the two.
1 comment
Come on Jeff, tell Leno, “I” mean Lino that being a saint is not all that “IT” is cut out to be now. I know that “I” told you about one in sin, “I” mean incident that took place in 1970 but there are plenty more stories and between you and me “IT” is not worth “IT” in reality and long story short, every day just when YA think that you’ve got “IT” made, you must start all over again the next day and/or go crazy cause not “ONE” pup pet, “I” mean “ONE” human animal will believe YA.
For example in 1977 all the gods who really are lost invisible souls who told “ME”, “ME” and “ME” that “I” had “IT” made and all “I” needed was to get my “Broke Her”, “I” mean my Real Estate Broker Lie son, so “I” went for “IT” butt as a potential saint, crazy things started to happen to see if “I” would be a good saint. Long story short, did “I” tell YA that these gods, who from my experience are simply invisible lost souls who have come from the darkness and think that they own the light of your house and wanted U>S (usual sinners) to sell other peoples body cells that they think they’ve already owned in the past which our Heavenly Father might turn into galaxies for us who fight the good fight in the long run. Longer story short, “I” turned them down and spent 13 days in a funny farm for “IT” so please don’t squeal if they get to you. Just put your faith in “Jesus” and submit to their destructive forces without fear or else they’ve got YA cause what chance does, flesh, born and blood have against invisible bodies now?
Don’t take my word for “IT” just ask some of those little retardo four per sent cells of Victor’s so called, father, mother, son and holy spirit and……
END YA SAY sinner vic? Will YA EVER LEARN NOW?
Go figure brothers and sisters in Christ? 🙂
God Bless Peace