The Santa Rosa Catholic Diocese is requiring its 200 schoolteachers to sign an agreement affirming that “modern errors” such as contraception, abortion, homosexual marriage and euthanasia are “matters that gravely offend human dignity.”
That means means abiding by the Ten Commandments, going to church every Sunday and heeding God’s words in thought, deed and intentions, according to a private church document that is an “addendum” to language in the current teachers’ contract.
The move is an effort by Bishop Robert Vasa to delineate specifically what it means for a Catholic-school teacher — whether Catholic or not — to be a “model of Catholic living” and to adhere to Catholic teaching.
When Bishop Vasa some years ago became the Bishop of the Diocese of Baker he did the same thing. No doubt there will be some similar results.
From an unidentified teacher who fears repercussions (according to the article):
“Personally, it’s probably something that I can’t sign,” said a teacher at Cardinal Newman High School in Santa Rosa.
Such a loss to Catholic education if this teacher does leave. Well not really. Although I have these funny ideas about actually teaching the fullness of the faith. Still exactly why does this teacher fear repercussions?
- If the teacher objects to the document and refuses to sign it than being anonymous doesn’t matter.
- It only matters to remain anonymous if you plan to lie and agree to it while actually rejecting parts of the oath. The teacher wants to keep their option open and is actually considering lying.
Bishop Vasa is also the only bishop that ever responded back to me in an email. I rarely write bishops, but I did email my thanks to him for his actions in the Diocese of Baker. Looks like it’s time to send another email of thanks.
“Personally, it’s probably something that I can’t sign,”
Good news, nobody is going to make you sign it! You are free to accept or reject any condition of employment. Good luck at your next position, and best wishes, we’ll miss you (maybe).
Micheal, where are your manners, you forgot to warn them about not letting the door slam on their backside on their way out!
The job of the new Moses is to lead the children of Adam and Eve on a new exodus through the desert from the yoke of pharaoh to the promised land. God has defined the escape route (Isaiah 35: 8-10) with landmarks and has given the map of them to our Church. The landmarks are the needle of the compass that always points in the direction of God. Only by making our way from landmark to landmark can we tell that we are heading in the right direction. Now is not the time to pause in the middle of our escape and take loyalty oaths that measure the deviation of a person’s thinking from Catholic orthodoxy. Wake up! We are still in the hostile desert and have not yet arrived in the promised land. After we have arrived in the promised land, there will be plenty of time for the accountants and statisticians of the Catholic Church to measure our fidelity to orthodoxy if that even matters anymore in the promised land. Now is the time for the statesmen and the leaders of the Catholic Church to get us moving from landmark to landmark. Tell me that 50% of the Catholics in the good bishops diocese are going to Mass and I will tell you that he is doing a good job. Tell me that 40% and I will compliment him. Tell me that 30%, and I will give him kudos. Tell me that 20% are and I will praise him to no end. However, If he is like the rest of the dioceses in America, his numbers are probably in the teens or single digits. The good bishop is fighting the wrong battle. He needs to be grease for the wheels not an obstacle in the way. Too many of the children of Adam and Eve are putting down roots in the hostile desert. We need bishops who will get them to uproot themselves and start circulating from landmark to landmark, i.e. Mass, confession etc. We need leaders not tailors who measure. Now is not the time for tailors. The movement from landmark to landmark is the foundation of the Catholic Church. Get the foundation correct and everything else will fall into place.
It’s both/and, not either/or
(((Get the foundation correct and everything else will fall into place.)))
John! What if GOD (Good Old Dad) simply sends U>S (usual sinners) only “ONE” spiritual heavenly cell NOW!
Long story short Victor! Most of U><S would kiss his crystal balls NOW!
Lightened UP Victor! "IT" is just an inside job, "I" mean joke between some of Jeff's spiritual cells in reality NOW!
Go figure folks!
I think you are completely off the mark in your comment. Look below at what Moses did in Exodus 32 when the chosen people abandoned God for their idols and passions. He rooted them out and marked them for death. Brutal yes, but the reason is very clear. They infect and infest the rest. In verse 25 he clearly is concerned about the scandal – and not for appearances sake. These are the chosen people of God and they must be unblemished, a light to the world so the world will see that there is one and only one true God. When they behave otherwise, they detract from God’s glory. So too today, we are to be a light to the nations and a sign from God, unblemished and spotless in faith and in conduct so that we model the spotless lamb on the Cross. These Catholics who rebel against magisterial teaching scandalize the faithful and lead the world to believe that the world is the model we must follow, rather than the model set before us by Christ and his Church. They needed to be rooted out of the Church and the sooner the better. Christ Himself said he will prune the vine of unfruitful branches. These people are the unfruitful branches of the vine of the Church and God is preparing to prune them from the Church via these faithful and brave Bishops.
25 Now when Moses saw that the people were [n]out of control—for Aaron had let them [o]get out of control to be a derision among [p]their enemies— 26 then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” And all the sons of Levi gathered together to him. 27 He said to them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Every man of you put his sword upon his thigh, and go back and forth from gate to gate in the camp, and kill every man his brother, and every man his friend, and every man his [q]neighbor.’” 28 So the sons of Levi did [r]as Moses instructed, and about three thousand men of the people fell that day. 29 Then Moses said, “[s]Dedicate yourselves today to the Lord—for every man has been against his son and against his brother—in order that He may bestow a blessing upon you today.”
“Archbishop”? Going places, is he?
I once got an email response from Archbishop Chaput, way back before he went all Philadelphia on us.
This being California, I wonder how long it will take before a teacher sues the diocese over this, and the courts side against the Church…
I could see a lawsuit, but not necessarily the court taking sides against the Church. The Hosanna-Tabor ruling about teachers being ministers seems one of those two times a day the stopped-clock is right.
I thought about that. The California state courts and the US Ninth Circuit have a reputation for ignoring precedent rulings they don’t like, however recent.
Do they ignore SCOTUS rulings? I’m not that savvy on their history.
The Ninth Circuit has had the most rulings overturned by SCOTUS. And, as SCOTUS (and lower courts) have been issuing rulings not to the Left’s liking, there has been more incidents of “pulling an Andy Jackson”: Obama defying federal courts on oil drilling in the Gulf, Chicago on gun bans (as well as the stated intent of those states legislating gun bans to defy any rulings overturning them), TSA and EPA on a number of rulings.
Can’t. This has already been settled in the Supreme Court. The state can’t tell a Catholic school who they can hire or retain.
[…] Catholic World Report The Bible: An Epic Mini-Series – Patti Maguire Armstrong, Catholic Lane His Awesomeness, Bishop Vasa – Jeffrey Miller, The Curt Jester Richard Dawkins: Bigot & Coward – Donald R. […]
(((The Santa Rosa Catholic Diocese is requiring its 200 schoolteachers to sign an agreement affirming that “modern errors” such as contraception, abortion, homosexual marriage and euthanasia are “matters that gravely offend human dignity.”)))
Horse meat little Retardo! Victor! Tell your soul to stop all this fear mockering or else we’ll send salvage, “I” meat Jack of all trades to see YA and let’s just say that “IT” won’t miss “You “F” OH” amd alien gods won’t put UP with this for eve her, I mean forever so stop “IT”. Look Victor, this so called “Jesus” The Word of GOD (Good Old Dad) is going to come to a head if YA get my drift cause “I’M” not the only “ONE” who is talking about your Cath lics, I mean Catholics “F” word NOW?
STOP “IT” sinner vic cause me, myself and i know that “The Future” can be affected by our godly behavior taughts and long story short, “GOD’s Good Old Dad’s Family” does exist and YA don’t have to be a Dean of any “YOU knee verse sit he” to understand GOD vs True Believe Hers.
OK Victor! Before “I” believe that, “I’M” going to believe that your Papa knew what he was doing when he retired and also that Jeff is really an Engine here butt don’t worry about “IT” cause we’re going to take out our crystal balls out and check “IT” all out NOW!
Ya don’t think that Jeff is going to allow this NOW?
Go figure folks! Is Casey really the bat her?:)
God Bless all souls
Good luck finding anything about this controversy on Bishop Vasa’s own diocese website.
Once again, the flock is the last to know. This controversy is another example of a bishop blundering into allowing a press hostile to the Church shape the public’s opinion of the Church and distort the Church’s teachings.
Actually, Bp. Vasa did this in his last diocese, so it’s not like laity paying even a modicum of attention had no warning whatsoever.
“Such a loss to Catholic education if this teacher does leave. Well not really.”
I don’t know – if the teacher is a good teacher of whatever subject he teaches then yes, perhaps it is a loss. But more importantly it is a potential loss of a soul if this person hardens his heart against Christ’s teaching.
Clearly this person’s heart is already hardened against Church teaching if they willingly give up their job rather than affirm that teaching. It is their choice and they do have a choice.
Yes, but we have to consider the number of innocent souls led astray by his false teaching and/or scandalous example. St. Paul pulls no punches when he discovers a church still has a sexual scandalizer in their midst: “Shouldn’t you rather have been filled with grief and have put out of your fellowship the man who did this? Even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit. And I have already passed judgment on the one who did this, just as if I were present. When you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present, hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord.”
That’s cool. How about adding to the list of things that offend dignity : right of workers to organize, policies that promote unequal distribution of society’s goods, etc.?
We shouldn’t because it is a case of equivocation.The right of workers, preferential options for the poor are not absolute precepts–there is room for differing on how,when, how much and under what circumstances. Deliberate and direct abortion, homosexual acts, etc. are absolute negative precepts–they are always wrong no matter the circumstances.
If is very important that those parents who pay tuition for their children to recieve a religious school education receive it. It is fraudulent to do anything else.
This includes GOOD EXAMPLES set by all teachers, within the morals taught by that Faith. Actions speak louder than words. Children learn not only by what they hear, but also by what they see.
Catholic schools save State taxpayers billions of dollars each year – if all these private school children attended public tuition-free schools.
All Catholics are required to adhere to the “CATECHISM of the CATHOLIC CHURCH, Second Edition” in entirety.
I find it interesting that so many secular persons want to dictate who teaches in private schools.
No one is forced to teach or work within any Religous School. Let those who support immoral life-styles, and refuse to adhere to Catholic teaching find work elsewhere. Good bye.
God Bless Bishop Vasa ! And may all Bishops and leaders of other Christian and Jewish Schools follow his example.
(Muslim schools only allow Muslim teachers.)
Nero is fiddling while Rome was burning.
Few are going to Mass and confession yet the battle that the good Bishop has chosen to fight is against his teachers none of whom I would guess have in any way shape or form have spoken out in favor of contraception, abortion, homosexual marriage and euthanasia. All I am sure have kept their opinions to themselves. Jesus succeeded because he did not exercise his omnipotence. The good Bishop thinks he can succeed by exercising his puny power against two hundred defenseless teachers. The good Bishop should ponder the example of Jesus’s restraint.
Beware the small minded prelate who thinks he can accomplish a transformation of a sinner into a saint by forcing a sinner to sign a loyalty oath. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana. Remember what pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) said
First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.
Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
First the good Bishop comes after the teachers with a loyalty oath. Then they come after the godfathers at baptism; then they come for the parents who want to send their kids to Catholic schools; they they come for those who want to go to Mass and Confession. Soon there is not a Catholic left
The error of the perfect Catholics is that they view Catholicism as a status not as a process and want to measure it by taking a snapshot instead of shooting a movie. They are quick to declare that a baby in the womb is a human being in the first stage of development who shall pass through other stages including infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. However, they do not see a similar framework of development in the thinking of imperfect Catholics. To them, imperfect Catholics are defective so they are happy to “abort” them from a place in the Church. Perfection is uncomfortable with imperfection (but see, Mark 2:15-17). Imperfect Catholics are ostracized instead of welcomed. Yet, we are told that all of us are sinners. Go figure.
Instead of basking in the limelight on the roof of the Church with divisive loyalty oaths, wouldn’t you prefer a bishop who descends to the foundation of the Church where there is hard work to be done and preaches the following:
The path to the radical love burning for us in the heart of God starts at the Mass. Jesus, one of the most Holy Trinity, the Son of God Himself, while human, alive and vulnerable, successfully passed through the gauntlet of gruesome sacrifice – that is, through the agony in the garden, the scourging, the crowning of thorns, the carrying of the cross and His hanging from it (i.e., the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary). Wow! By Jove, He did it! He made it through! He finished the grueling race. He didn’t quit. Bravo! Congratulations! Thanks be to God! It is time to strike up a song, break out the food and drink and clap our hands in happy celebration! The most Holy Trinity gives us the opportunity to join in the happy celebration at the victory parties they throw for Jesus whenever a priest says a Mass. The victory parties that the most Holy Trinity throw for Jesus have taken place for more than two thousand years in every land across the face of the earth! And then the path to the radical love burning for us in the heart of God continues backwards in time through more than two thousand years of human history to the gruesome sacrifice itself. Through these two hoops of contemplation we must jump to get to the heart of God! When we jump through them, we discover that the nature of God is love. He passed through the gauntlet and then rose from the dead. Love enabled the former; omnipotence the latter. Hallelujah!
The good bishop is fighting the wrong battle. He is conducting a pre-emptive strike against 200 defensless teachers who have done nothing to provoke his wrath. Meanwhile, no one is going to Mass or to Confession. There are better uses on the good bishop’s time.
Nero is fiddling while Rome was burning – and in his mind he thinks he is doing a good job!
Nero is fiddling while Rome was burning.
I think comparing Bishop Vasa to Nero is cheap rhetorical shot and you should repent.
Few are going to Mass and confession yet the battle that the good Bishop has chosen to fight is against his teachers none of whom I would guess have in any way shape or form have spoken out in favor of contraception, abortion, homosexual marriage and euthanasia.
As I mentioned before, you are setting up a false dichotomy. I’m am confident of Bp. Vasa’s ability to help restore the importance of Mass attendance and confession AND insure that there are not sheep in wolve’s clothing leading people astray.
All I am sure have kept their opinions to themselves. Jesus succeeded because he did not exercise his omnipotence. The good Bishop thinks he can succeed by exercising his puny power against two hundred defenseless teachers. The good Bishop should ponder the example of Jesus’s restraint.
The teachings of the Church are to be held internally and externally. The faithful have the right to know that those who propose to teach in the Church’s name formally hold those positions. To wit: the only person who would have a problem signing the affirmation is someone who rejects binding Church teachings.
Beware the small minded prelate who thinks he can accomplish a transformation of a sinner into a saint by forcing a sinner to sign a loyalty oath
This is an insult and a falsehood. The point of the affirmation is not transforming sinners by fiat, but to insure that we do not have wolves in sheep’s clothing.
I’m not going to quote the whole “They came for the communists…” because its presence here is utter nonsense. No one is being arrested. Being a Catholic is an entirely voluntary association, and just as you wouldn’t let someone who held the racial views of the KKK hold an office in the NAACP, so you would not let someone who formally thought abortion was morally acceptable presume to teach with the blessing of the Church.
I’ll respond to the rest later.
Wouldn’t wolves who don sheeps’ clothing also dissimulate by signing loyalty oaths? Wouldn’t they just continue the masquerade? Do you think signing a loyalty oath makes a difference to the wolves in sheeps clothing? The signing of a loyalty oath will not expose or deter a wolf in sheeps clothing. Think it through.
It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry. – Thomas Paine, philosopher and writer (1737-1809)
Wouldn’t wolves who don sheeps’ clothing also dissimulate by signing loyalty oaths? Wouldn’t they just continue the masquerade? Do you think signing a loyalty oath makes a difference to the wolves in sheeps clothing?
Yes, they might. But when you put people “on record”, you have a paper trail you can follow.
It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry
You do realize that this supports Bishop Vasa’s position right? If my bishop called me in and asked me to account for my beliefs, I’d show up hat in hand and answer him until he was satisfied. I have nothing to fear or hide. As St. Paul said, “Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks.”
Here is a more comprehensive draft of my thoughts about loyalty oaths
It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry. – Thomas Paine, philosopher and writer (1737-1809)
“The mind’s direction is more important than its progress.” (Joseph Joubert)
Bishop Robert Vasa steps into the limelight on the roof of the Church by requiring loyalty oaths from “all 200 of his diocese’s Catholic schoolteachers” (Click Here). Bishop Robert Vasa’s purge of imperfect Catholics is a pre-emptive strike. None of the teachers expressed an opinion contrary to the orthodoxy of the Catholic Church. He is just fearful of imaginary hobgoblins hiding under his bed. What happened to the mentality that we are all in this thing together, perfect and imperfect Catholics, one for all and all for one? Shouldn’t we be marching hand in hand, arm in arm, in the company of one another, as one family, together as a Church on the escape route through the desert from the yoke of pharaoh to the promised land? Is there no room for sinners anymore in the Catholic Church (Matthew 9:10-13) (John 8:1-11)? Are there no more rooms in our Father’s house (John 14:2-3)? Must we forsake the exercise of our rationality and instead become mindless hand puppets of the Catholic hierarchy? Does not the Church want us to think for ourselves any more? Is a gnostic elite trying to take over the Church at the expense of us ordinary Catholics?
The error of the perfect Catholics is that they view Catholicism as a status not as a process and want to measure it by taking a snapshot instead of shooting a movie. They are quick to declare that a baby in the womb is a human being in the first stage of development who shall pass through other stages including infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. However, they do not see a similar framework of development in the thinking of imperfect Catholics. To them, imperfect Catholics are defective so they are happy to “abort” them from a place in the Church. Perfection is uncomfortable with imperfection (but see, Mark 2:15-17). Imperfect Catholics are ostracized instead of welcomed.
The way of God is persuasion not coercion. To get us to come home, God uses reason not force. Heaven is not a jail; God is not a warden; and, we are not His prisoners. We are free to come or go [ but not come and go] as we please. The most Holy Trinity lay their omnipotence aside and, instead, appeal to our rationality. They hold the opinion that our rationality is a mechanism that works. They do not override our free will with their omnipotence. They will not drag us back to our home in paradise against our wills kicking and screaming like recalcitrant children. They want us to figure out for ourselves that coming back home advances our self-interest. We benefit by going through the process of figuring it out for ourselves. God wants us to receive this benefit. God wants us to explore His mystery, majesty, and magnificence and, as a result of our exploration, come to the conclusion, through the exercise of our rationality, that a life with God is better than a life in godlessness. Yet, the good Bishop Vasa chooses coercion not persuasion. He wants to beat his teachers over the head with a loyalty oath. Nice guy.
George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” Let us remember what pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) (click here) said:
First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.
Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
In the light of Bishop Vasa’s purge, the above can be rewritten as follows:
First they came for the teachers,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a teacher.
Then they came for the godparents,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a godparent.
Then they came for parents who are trying to send their kids to Catholic Schools,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t sending kids to school.
Then they came for me and others while we were going to Mass and going to Confession,
and then there were no Catholics left.
The good Bishop is fiddling while Rome is burning. An escape is taking place from godlessness to God. Nothing else matters. Everything else is secondary. Anything that interferes is suspect. Yet, traffic on the escape route from godlessness to God is declining. The interest in experiencing close encounters with the living God at the landmarks that define the escape route is fading. We are pilgrims who are no longer making pilgrimage. We are dead in the water. We are no longer moving. We have put down roots in the hostile desert and have duped ourselves into thinking that sessility is good. Fewer Catholics are going to Mass; none are going to Confession. Mass attendance in the dioceses of Trenton as a percentage of Catholics is down into the teens The numbers are similar in the other dioceses throughout our nation. Yet, the small minded bureaucrats of the Catholic Church think that they are making progress when they circulate in place taking inventory, measuring our fidelity to doctrine, extracting loyalty oaths, etc. Circulating in place, however, is an illusion of progress – movement is being made but the movement is not towards God but in circles around ourselves. The true generals of the Catholic Church realize that we must be on our way. We are at war. It is time to march not to measure. Forward progress must be made in a new exodus led by the new Moses, the Catholic Church, from landmark to landmark on the escape route through the hostile desert from the yoke of pharaoh to the promised land. The true generals of the Catholic faith understand that in order to think Catholic we must first do Catholic. The bureaucrats of the Catholic Church have it backwards. They hold the opinion that thinking Catholic precedes doing Catholic. Catholicism, unlike coffee, is never instant. It is not created by the stroke of a pen on a loyalty oath. To become Catholic, we must participate in the escape marching from landmark to landmark through the hostile desert from godlessness to God. Only by passing from landmark to landmark do we know that we are heading in the right direction. Only by stopping at a landmark do we experience a close encounter with the living God. Only by experiencing a close encounter with the living God are we converted from sinner to saint. As we seek God, we are converted. The good Bishop cannot convert us; only God converts. There is no other way to do it. A loyalty oath, by the way, is not an example of a landmark that defines the escape route from godlessness to God. It is a needless diversion. When we arrive at the anteroom of paradise there will be plenty of time to take care of all of the administrative matters that so enthrall the bureaucracy of the Catholic Church – if they still strike us as important after we have arrived at the gates of paradise.
I think I’ve given enough that the average reader can tell you are boxing with shadows. I also notice that even after someone responded to your “landmark to landmark” analogy by validly pointing out what happened when the Jews started worshiping the golden calf, you are still spamming it like no one said anything. I find this dishonest.
Continued from before:
First the good Bishop comes after the teachers with a loyalty oath. Then they come after the godfathers at baptism; then they come for the parents who want to send their kids to Catholic schools; they they come for those who want to go to Mass and Confession. Soon there is not a Catholic left
This is an invalid slippery slope argument. It is invalid for two reasons: 1). Bishop Vasa has already done this in his previous diocese and what you propose didn’t happen. and 2). There is a logical stopping point: teachers are ministerial positions within the Church. That is, they are authority figures that can be taken in a limited sense to speak for the Church. It is entirely reasonable that if anyone holds such a position, that they come under more scrutiny than your average layperson.
The error of the perfect Catholics is that they view Catholicism as a status not as a process and want to measure it by taking a snapshot instead of shooting a movie. They are quick to declare that a baby in the womb is a human being in the first stage of development who shall pass through other stages including infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. However, they do not see a similar framework of development in the thinking of imperfect Catholics. To them, imperfect Catholics are defective so they are happy to “abort” them from a place in the Church. Perfection is uncomfortable with imperfection (but see, Mark 2:15-17). Imperfect Catholics are ostracized instead of welcomed. Yet, we are told that all of us are sinners. Go figure.
This is a false analogy. The purpose of the affirmation is not give imperfect Catholics a hard time, it is to weed out those who formally reject Church teachings and bar them from ministerial positions in the Church.
You keep harping on Mass and confession, but it is precisely the lack of discipline by bishops that has brought most dioceses to a point of struggling with Mass attendance. Take the Diocese of Rochester for instance. For 30+ years Bp. Clark let his diocese become infested with dissidents in ministerial positions. The result? Rochester is bottom-of-the-barrel in Mass attendance, new vocations; it is on the short list of dioceses with the most school closings. No mystery why. Why would a devout Catholic spend thousands of dollars a year to send their children to a school with “Catholic” in its name, only to watch that faith be undermined by people who we should be able to trust.