Maybe I am missing something, but I think there is something wrong here.
This is also a commitment of the New Evangelization in the times of an economic crisis that are cutting funds for health care. In this very context hospitals and structures for assistance must rethink their role to prevent health, first and foremost a universal good to be guaranteed and defended from becoming a mere “product” subjected to the laws of the market, hence accessible to few. The special attention owed to the dignity of the suffering can never be forgotten, applying also in the context of health-care policies the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity.
To participants in the XVII Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison Administration (22 November 2012)
[English, Italian]
Looks like they just missed some punctuation. From the context of the sentence, I believe it should read:
In this very context hospitals and structures for assistance must rethink their role to prevent health,– first and foremost a universal good to be guaranteed and defended–from becoming a mere “product” subjected to the laws of the market, hence accessible to few.
Snoop dog translator…
“Thizzle is also a commizzle of thizzle Nizzle Evizzle in thizzle tizzle of an economizzle crizzle thizzle arizzle cuttizzle funds for hizzle cizzle In thizzle vizzle contizzle hospizzle and structurizzle for assizzle must rizzle thizzle rolizzle to prizzle hizzle fizzle and forizzle a unizzle good to bizzle guizzle and dizzle from bizzle a mizzle “product” subjizzle to thizzle lizzle of thizzle mizzle hizzle accizzle to fizzle Thizzle spizzle attizzle owizzle to thizzle dizzle of thizzle suffizzle cizzle nizzle bizzle forgottizzle applyizzle also in thizzle contizzle of hizzle polizzle thizzle prizzle of subsizzle and solizzle.”