Saw this headline today:
Vatican confirms talks with traditionalists dead
Being that this is October with Halloween upcoming my first odd thought was that the Vatican had confirmed talks with rad trad zombies or some other dead (undead) traditionalists. Makes me though ponder on the concept of rad trad zombies walking around crying “Latin” instead of “Brains”. Hey I could join in with them on that.
Though the progressive zombie is what is apt to give me nightmares as evidenced from one of my previous posts.
But Zombies already walk and talk among us. There are plenty of dissident Catholics and dissident religious orders that are nothing but Zombie Catholics. The Zombie religious orders have no postulants and an aging community. These orders are truly dead since they don’t grow and are full of providing dead theology and the corpse of aging heresies. Yet at the same time appear to be living animated things fooling some into believing that there words have life. The truth will set you free which is why Zombie Catholics will concentrate on one truth while ignoring others leaving them trapped in the world of the undead.
Outside of religious communities there are also plenty of Zombie professors in Catholic institutions. Now it would be nice if these Zombies would physically rot so that you could see the source of the corruption they teach. Unfortunately these undead often look just like everybody else. Though Zombie priests and religious sometimes can be identified because they will wear anything but a Roman collar or a habit. They can often be identified because they teach from the “Culture of the Undead.” Zombie Catholics might seem quite comical, but don’t ever forget that they are quite dangerous to those they convince. They teach of death in two ways – physical and spiritual . You can hear them promoting abortion or relativizing it. Creating reasons for why it alright to withdraw medical treatment from someone who is not dying. Justifying sacrificing embryos on the altar of science. When it comes to spiritual death the Zombie Catholics proclaim how a sin is not a sin and in fact something to be actively accepted. Whether it is the advocacy of homosexual acts, contraception, or any other normalization of sin; it is all a part of the Culture of the Undead.
1 comment
“… Zombie priests and religious sometimes can be identified
because they will wear anything but a Roman collar or a habit.”
— Unless they’re being arraigned in court, or appearing in a press
conference denouncing the Pope, or on tour promoting their book
that denounces the Pope. Only then do Zombie priests and religious
don Roman collars and habits.