I get quite annoyed by people who wear their scapulars on the outside of their clothing.
Though the real reason I get annoyed is that I would like to show how pious I am by wearing mine on the outside also. But I am too prideful to want show how prideful I am of my piety. I wonder if I am blogging about this to mention that I wear the Brown Scapular? Or am I simply blogging my struggles with prideful piety? I don’t know, but darn my prayer life seems too much like the movie Inception at times in how convoluted my motivations are.
I really should be quite humble considering just how many opportunities God provides to humble me. For example some talk about the “gift of tears”, I seem to have that at times when at Mass or praying alone tears will come to my eyes. This is really quite annoying since I am usually quite distracted with my thoughts anywhere but deep in worship and prayer. I seem to have the “ironical gift of tears” that do not synchronize with the inner self. As a sign it only sharpens how distracted I usually am and I find it embarrassing to be providing a false sign of my inner self. Maybe this “gift” is just another reminder to get my house in order.
I guess wanting any outward piety to match the inward disposition is a good thing and recognizing how unmatched they usually are is a step towards unity of the two.
>just how many opportunities God provides to humble me.
It’s such a bizarre arrogance.
Look, if your god interferes in our affairs why doesn’t it do stuff beyond getting people like you to thank it for doing things that must take it no effort?
Like instead of “humbling” you (why would it do that anyway?) maybe give Africa more arable land? Maybe get rid of the diamonds that have only enriched a corrupt few? End all those awful diseases that are unique to the geography?
Nah, he’s going to give you some First World Problems so you don’t get too big for your britches!
That is quite the god you have, really has its priorities straight.
salvage: you get punched in the face a lot, don’t you?
Jeff: Some introspection is good. We tend to over-do it, however. God is worthy of our prayers when we feel like it and when we don’t. One is not better than the other. If one were better, it would be the prayer with no consolations, because you’re not doing it to get anything out of it, just doing that for which you were created. Praise him even for you idiosyncrasies.
The reason I don’t like it is because it is meant to give grace not to be an ornament for display.
An interesting thing happened to me on the way to a marriage. I wore my brown scapular underneath my clothing. However, as the post-dinner dancing became more lively (and my dance style likewise) my shirt opened, and, well there it was, concealed at first but it shook out over time. “What’s that?” asked the groom’s teen-aged daughter. “A scapular, it’s a devotional sacramental” “What?!?” “Something to help remind me of Jesus and His love.” “Oh, I figured that by the way you were having fun, you weren’t like that.” “Yea, life is full of surprises, isn’t it.” Her question was refreshingly honest, not angry or nasty; maybe some grace happened that day?
Salvage: “bizarre arrogance” nicely encapsulates your contribution. Perhaps a trip to Africa to help cultivate arable land would be a good endeavor for you?
Is it “bizarre arrogance” to be fascinated with life, or is it “bizarre arrogance” to dictate what the creator of the universe must do in order to win your approval?
Mike, is “or is it “bizarre arrogance” to dictate what the creator of the universe must do in order to win your approval?” a typo?
Ha ha, I know exactly what you mean. It is easy to get so wrapped up in your motivations that you forget anything but yourself. It is a trap to disregard things like that — and a trap to regard them too much. As Chesterton said, orthodoxy is a balance on a peak — saving you from plunging off either direction. Or something like that.
>salvage: you get punched in the face a lot, don’t you?
No Jim, do you punch people in the face for saying stuff you don’t like?
>Is it “bizarre arrogance” to be fascinated with life,
No, I can’t imagine it would be.
>or is it “bizarre arrogance” to dictate what the creator of the universe must do in order to win your approval?
Well it could start by existing.
And if your god is the creator of the universe than how come the story it tells about how it created the universe doesn’t make any sense or match the physical evidence?
(((Well it could start by existing.)))
You’re so right salvage, This Catholic so called GOD (Good Old Dad) doesn’t really exit and between you and me salvage, He’s just a trouble maker and won’t accept U>S (usual sinners) who don’t believe in HIM. You know what salvage? If we don’t change our ways, He’ll send U>S to hell so “I” ask you is that a “Loving GOD” and ………
STOP THAT sinner vic! I give ya refuge in my house with a LOT of friendly cells with no virus and this is how you repay me, myself and i?
Can you hear yourself Victor? You’re starting to sound just like some of those 7% Jesus Cells of yours who want to take over your heart and if you don’t smarten UP like salvage keeps telling U>S to, “IT” just might happen someday and beside try to stay on topic OK Victor?
Sorry! Anyway, I recall when “I” did my “First French Communion” and they gave me a “French Scapulaire” which was almost 60 years ago and “I” was so proud of “IT” that…..
That’s enough Victor so….
Hey Stop distracting me while “I’m” talking! That’s not very polite sinner vic. As I was saying after Mass “I” was so proud of myself that “I” thought “I” could fly and jumped off my dad’s truck before he had come to a complete stop and ripped a hole in the brand new suit that my Mother, God Bless her Soul, had created with her own hands and….
Victor! Victor! Victor! “I” wasn’t that mean to you cause “I” could buy a Polar Bear and have him punch you in the face and “I’m” sure that would hurt?
Very funny sinner vic and “IT” is a shame that you don’t really exist and are just a ficment of my imagination cause we could team UP with salvage and create our own “Three Stooges Comedy skit” and become filthy rich and…
Folks! Do we need to hear anymore! Is “IT” not crystal clear that Victor needs help NOW?
WHATEVER sinner vic! Jeff, “I’ll” just close by saying that “I” wore my French Scapulaire until “IT” faded away but always inside touching my flesh. After that, I continued to ware many Saints until the early eighties when a Strong Arm doctor discuraged me without saying a word. Long story short, I spent eight days in a normal hospital and on the first night, they changed my P.J. about 3 times and on one of those days before I left the hospital, one of my lungs stopped for a few seconds and….
You’re off topic again Victor!
I hear ya salvage! Perfect example of how much your so called God helps His Own!
But salvage! I’m not dead yet!!!
Hahahahahaha! Prove “IT”! 🙂
Ok, I haven’t read your blog in a while. Who is this ‘salvage’ character? That’s some funny stuff!! Jeff, are you playing both sides of the theological fence? I seem to recall that you were once a militant atheist. Is ‘salvage’ your altar ego?(yes, I spelled alter wrong on porpoise-lol)
(((steve { 06.05.12 at 11:40 am } Ok, I haven’t read your blog in a while. Who is this ‘salvage’ character? That’s some funny stuff!! Jeff, are you playing both sides of the theological fence? I seem to recall that you were once a militant atheist. Is ‘salvage’ your altar ego?(yes, I spelled alter wrong on porpoise-lol)s…)))
steve to be spiritually honest with ya! We godly imaginary cells created all of “IT” but salvage just doesn’t know about “IT” yet but to be fair to Jeff, we must give him some credit cause his reality cells did supply the blog posts! 🙂
Who’s laughing Victor? 🙁
Steve – this comment will probably get you up to speed in a hurry 🙂
Steve: my take on salvage is that he started as someone who looked rather ignorant of what the Catholic Church teaches, but was very confident in his belief in atheism.
Then he became an irritating presence because of his inability to understand the simplest philosophical concepts while insisting on the superiority of his thoughts.
Then some people started considering him as a comic relief character, while others (including me) used his absurd claims as a good opportunity to clarify to interested readers certain points of Catholic theology. Recently, many are just ignoring him and navigate through the remaining comments.
We all pray for him. You may want to join those of us who do.
>I seem to recall that you were once a militant atheist.
Tell me, what does one have to do to be labeled a “militant” atheist? Can you tell me of any atheists who are not “militant”?