Two altar girls (19 and 20 years old) break into a punch-up fight about who would carry the censer. It is now going to court.
I guess they were incensed against each other and their behavior should be “censered”.
Two altar girls (19 and 20 years old) break into a punch-up fight about who would carry the censer. It is now going to court.
I guess they were incensed against each other and their behavior should be “censered”.
Utter noncense.
What’s the deal with the incense anyway? I know it’s a Roman pagan thing, their gods liked nice smelling things, so I guess your god / Jesus does too?
So when there’s a funeral… who will be the thurifer?
Thurible, thurible news.
Ha! ha! I’m A TROLL!!
A rambling idiot TROLL!!!
Granted, I can’t stand pages with auto-play audio, but for this pun-filled page, I’ll make an exception:
One way around such conflicts might be to use a helium-filled balloon to ferry the censer about. We can call it a thurigible.
These puns are terrible.
The thurible is the really big incense-holder, right? I recall seeing a video of a ceremony using one when I was in Spain. It was suspended from the ceiling and moved both back-forth as well as up-and-down (rather like a piñata, I thought). It took a couple people to get it started swinging and stop it when it was done.
According to Science – greater activity from the SUN causes US human beings to be more aggressive.
This Greater Activity from the SUN is happening NOW……
I will argue well in court…….
A man was walking down the street talking to God. “Heavenly Father, I am broke & I need money,” he said.
At that moment he fell down ?/!
Who is to blame ?
Who can he take legal action against for negligence & how many different ways ?
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.