This week the USCCB had published a document titled Our First, Most Cherished Liberty, a statement on religious liberty by the USCCB’s Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty.
Since I usually prefer reading an ebook version of a document and not the PDF version, I created one that you can also take avail of.
ePub – Supports most readers
mobi – Kindle
Dear Jeff,
I’ve read the beginning of what most great Catholic Americans would probably concider where their first most cherished Liberties began and I stopped at “Religious Liberty Under Attack—Concrete Examples”
I stopped at “Religious Liberty Under Attack—Concrete Examples” because you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that, “ONE” simply needs to smell “The Roses” and “IT” could be put many other ways but I’ll simply say that “ONE” must pray that he and/or she be with God at sea, “I” mean ask GOD with a sincere heart to see and I’ll leave “IT” at that for NOW.
The wind just stopped but when I started writing, “IT” seems to be saying, Victor for my sake please do something because I love to blow lightly but being the god that “I’AM”, “I’M” getting very tired of sending winds to far off galaxies just because new alien gods keep threating to destroy all cells habitats that I’ve learned to love.
I hear ya! Give “IT” UP sinner vic cause you aint any more a god than any other hate theist and between you and me, GOD does not need our help cause we know that HE LOVE U>S, I mean The United States of America and if I were you, I would see what I could do to help your Canada and mind your own business!
Owch! Are you sure, you’re not related to Doctor Wesley J. Smith? 🙂
Peace be with ya!
Happy Easter
Ummm….I tried the kindle link and I got a message to bless my computer and pray to St. Michael 😉