Okay, maybe it is British humor. Really though the use of a Dalek to promote women Bishops in the Anglican Church? Instead of “Exterminate” they have “Con-se-crate.” Though maybe a Dalek is appropriate. It is easy to imagine the raspy electronic voice of the Dalek as to how these women talk. The Daleks had every emotion removed except hate and the tone of the Women’s ordination movement reminds me of this.
Though I don’t know what they are worried about. The Anglican Church always caves and unlike the Catholic Church it really is only a matter of time since the governing General Synod has already decided this was to be allowed. I guess their chant is “We want women bishops now and not just in the next year.”
Via Father Z
As the Daleks would say: “DO NOT BLASPHEME!”
I thought playing make believe dress up was only supposed to a phase in a young girl’s life. Hmmmmm. Makes me wonder.
Can you tell the ladies that Halloween is still one month away.
I’m guessing Jesus would be the Dr. Who figure in this analogy as the person they seek to destroy.
Dang! I thought I beat you to it. I bow to the Master Poster!
“Women as bishops in OUR church.”
To be clear, it’s THEIR church, not the Lord’s Church. No wonder the Anglicans feel they can do whatever they want. It’s hardly a stretch for those adept at making a god in their own image to then attempt to remake the Church in their own image.
A single golden calf? No need when there is an entire herd of sacred cows milling about.
I like the old woman in the purple dress — is she laughing with them or laughing at them? It’s a fun, “half full, half empty” sort of game to play while you look at the picture…
I mistakenly posted on Father z’s about the Daleks’ “assimilating” rather than “exterminating.” I was thinking Borg. Closet Trekkie, me 😛
You did not say which “Anglican Church” this is taking place in. The Us? England? Wales? Australia?
I was thinking more along the lines of the ‘zombie’ hordes in the first ‘Mummy’ movie, stumbling along, glassy-eyed, moaning, ‘Immmmm-hooooooooooo-tep’.