The intent of this post is not intended to mock those who have the cross of same-sex attraction (SSA), but to mock one of the latest arguments in favor of homosexual acts.
I saw a tweet the other day that was referencing what somebody else had said.
Brilliant! “How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?”
Brilliant was not the first thought that came to my mind. Apparently State Rep. Steve Simon recently offered up this line at a Minnesota Civil Law committee in regards to a Constitutional Amendment “Marriage recognized as only a union between one man and one woman.” Since then a YouTube video of this has gone viral to some extent along with being quoted extensively in tens of thousands of sources.
Unsurprisingly many of the sources passing on this phrase run to the secular and those who normally have no room for God in anything else.
As an argument I did LOL upon hearing it mainly because it was such a bad argument.
First off using this logic:
- God loves gays more than lesbians because he “created” more gays than lesbians.
- God loves heterosexual more than gays and lesbians because he “created” only a small percentage of gays and lesbians.
Or since alcoholism seems to have a genetic disposition does that mean God wants alcoholics around and that we must do nothing to impede their alcoholism. The above argument would say so since there are more alcoholics that the number of people who have SSA. Plus of course the argument can be seen a rediculous with simple substitutions such as “How Many Adulteress Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?”
Than there is the idea of God “creating gays”. Scientific research so far has not identified any genetic disposition towards same-sex attraction. So the idea of God creating persons with same-sex attraction is problematic on multiple levels including a scientific one. If there is no genetic predisposition to SSA than in what sense did God create “gays”? Does God decide when he ensouls life to give one a “gay soul”, another a “lesbian soul”, “bisexual soul”, or mainly a “heterosexual soul? Perhaps they mean that since God does directly give each person life and that some people go on to have SSA that this means SSA is totally acceptable. Though that argument would not differentiate between God’s ordained and permissive will.
Of course really the main thing is that this is an emotional rhetorical argument and not one that is suppose to be analyzed.
Now as for God wanting “gays” around, God loves each and everyone one of us regardless of whatever labels are placed on us. He created each and every one of us by first creating the world and then on an individual level giving us a soul. SSA is a cross I can’t imagine having to carry, but we are all called to carry a cross not to say our crosses are socially acceptable so that we don’t have anything to repent of. Those that support homosexuality should be embarrassed that such a lame argument is being used to advance their cause.
I decided to write on this subject since I got an email from SNAP which is promoting what the legislator said. You wouldn’t think this would be part of SNAP’s agenda at first blush, but I guess they must do all they can to downplay certain aspects of the 2004 John Jay report on priestly abuse.
God did not create cold. It doesn’t exist.
God did not create darkness. Can it be measured?
God did not create sin.
A consensus of the people in favor of sin does not make it a virtue.
“How long will God put up with me and my sin before he drops me dead and sends me to Hell?” is the question this modernist Liberal should have asked.
Women breast feed babies, they do not fill a baby bottle with gasoline and have them nurse from it.
Even more dangerous results come about by perverting Gods procreative methods.
To use this line of argum. would also allow the reverese to be true
How many more “Homophobes” ( this is thier term not mine , most people just call them straight heterosexual individuals ) does God have to create before we accept that He wants them around ?
Or since we belive that to be a priest / religious / Pope is a calling from God
“How many more priests / religious / Popes does God have to create before we accept that He wants them around ?
Good post – very restrained…I guess the trouble is we live in the post-rational age where logical thought and even scientific process is subject to a kind of democracy of the masses (or media).
“How Many Lukewarm and Fallen Away Catholics Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?”
Um… who doesn’t accept that God wants them around? Sheesh. No one is advocating doing away with gay people!!!
Best post in years.
Mr. Voris over at the Vortex had a wonderful video-post on this topic which is germaine to your second to last paragraph. It was wonderfully sensitive, recognising a parallel. The loneliness of God on the Cross and the loneliness of homosexual who cannot have regular friendships.
One might cite C.S. Lewis in his “Four Loves” and the corresponding encyclical “Deus Caritas Est” which grew, in-part, out of Lewis’ work.
I also applaud the folks here who are flabbergasted at the modern world’s failure to understand the post-lapsidarian state.
edit: lapsidarian… not post-lapsidarian. my bad.