(CNSNews.com) – A Catholic priest who works with a group that advocates “full equality” of homosexuals would not say whether he agrees with the Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality.
Equally Blessed, which describes itself as “a coalition of faithful Catholics who support full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people both in the church and in civil society,” held a Mar. 30 briefing on Capitol Hill.
An oxymoronic description in the way they mean it. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people already have full equality in the Church and are called to holiness and chastity just as every single other person in the Church. What this group wants is not equality, but Animal Farm equality where some are more equal in that the sin of homosexual acts is to be accepted while everybody else’s sins are to be repented of.
…CNSNews.com asked Rev. Massingale, “Section 2357 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church says that ‘homosexual acts are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.’ That’s a quote. So, from your presence here today, is it safe to say that both of you disagree with this portion of Catholic law?”
Rev. Massingale said, “First, we have to become clear about, that it’s not Catholic law, it’s a Catholic teaching. It’s a distinction and a difference there. So let’s phrase your question more precisely –” at which point CNSNews.com asked, “Do you disagree with Catholic teaching on that?”
A distinction and a a difference and total nonsense.
Ah yes as an associate professor of moral theology at Marquette University getting that exactly backwards is to be expected there. A law is an ordinance and while Catholic teaching has various levels of assent it is always more than just a law. Canon law for examples follows Catholic teachings and corresponds with it. A dogma is not a law but a formally revealed truth concerning doctrine.
He then follows this with a bunch of mumbo jumbo that he would call nuance. I have more respect for dissidents who say they support homosexual acts than those who crouch their dissent in the language of equality. Exactly why on they campaigning on Capitol Hill? Exactly what law condones unjust discrimination on those with same-sex attraction? Exactly what rights are they being denied? This of course is all about same-sex marriage and not the phony pretenses that Rev. Massingale, STD dances around.
Oh and what “faithful” groups started “Equally Blessed”?
Well Call To Action, DignityUSA, Fortunate Families, and New Ways Ministry combined to create this advocacy group.
Jeff, I’ve been tagged and now have you http://www.ipadre.net/2011/04/ive-been-tagged/
>>A distinction and a a difference and total nonsense.<<
Total nonsense indeed and the problem is that once these (LGBT) body cells take controll of the flesh, there's no getting "IT" OUT, if the majority body cells of a human is not in agreement with Our Heavenly Father's Law of Adam and Eve.
So all we Christian Catholics can do is to speak UP and peacefully tell so called other Christians that living a farm animal sex life is not ok with God's True People but "IT" is ok with Satan.
Of course, because of God's Free Will, we can also pray that (LGBT) will see God's Light cause anything else means that we are only being mean spirited Christians.
Onward Christians soldiers……….
I hear ya! Careful Victor cause you don't want to insight the trope! Do ya? 🙂
Not with God's Cells anyway!
For what "IT" is worth, I, Me, Myself, My Spirit and My Soul compliment you on standing your ground and doing what you can non violently Jeff.
God Bless Peace