The Democratic Party has come out with a new logo and I have to admit the design is pretty good. Nice and simple with a good color theme. Follows the ubiquitous Obama logo and repeats the change meme. Hey it worked in the last election and no doubt change is coming on November 2nd.
Though while the logo is quite good I think it needs some improvement. When I first saw it I saw the circled D as OD and overdose is a good definition of the modern Democratic which has OD’ed on spending. But no that is only one aspect. Here is a much more accurate logo.
Now that is much closer to the modern Democrat party which will do anything to advance abortion, Embryonic Stem-Cell Research, Euthanasia and pretty much all aspects of life and death. They don’t really need a new logo, but to follow the Logos.
I admit to being partisan in that I believe in most of the principles of conservatism (now if only the Republican politicians also did so). Yet I would be much happier if the only things Democrats and Republicans disagreed on were prudential approaches to solving problems instead of selecting lesser evils. As it stands though now the Democrats support multiple intrinsic evils and the Republicans dismiss the intrinsic evil of torture.
While the Democratic Party remains the Party of Death, for me this will be a more apt logo for them.
Agree 100%. I vote pro-life first, and guess what: it’s no longer a “single issue.” This means that I will consider Republican candidates–though i may or may not pull the lever for them–but not democrats. By making advocacy for abortion and embryonic stem cell research–not to mention recognition of gay civil unions, by marriage or any other name–a part of their platform, and by lending support to euthanasia (see Schiavo, Terry) and assisted suicide (see Oregon), they have become the party of death. Republicans (though not necessarily conservatives) often support torture and the occasional unjust war, but neither of these has yet become a part of the party platform (yet); hopefully it never will. On the other hand, it is a democratic president with the (mostly) approval of a democrat-run congress who continues to employ methods of torture, so this really goes as a draw. I’m somewhat interested to see how the whole tea-party thing plays out in the Republican party, but I don’t foster illusions that it will translate into a long-term gain for conservative–social, culture, or traditionalist.
How many people have been seriously injured or killed as the result of Americans using torture?
How many people have been seriously injured or killed by Americans via abortion?
Were any people saved as the result of Americans using torture?
Were any people saved by Americans via abortion?
It seems like pretty poor marketing strategy. If Democrats are to have a prayer in the upcoming elections, they need to drop the “change” rhetoric. From the polling data, it strikes me that people are rather tired of change.
How many people have been seriously injured or killed as the result of Americans using torture?
Not as many as abortion for sure. But putting the number of abortions on one end of the scale and instances of torture on the other and concluding that torture isn’t wrong because the scale tips toward abortion is an error.
How many people have been seriously injured or killed by Americans via abortion?
Millions. However, imagine someone in the 1800’s saying that because Americans enslave millions of blacks, that stealing horses isn’t wrong.
Were any people saved as the result of Americans using torture?
Cart before the horse. If torture is inherently wrong, then it is irrelevant how many people it saves.
Were any people saved by Americans via abortion?
No. It is evil and I believe it is a fiction to say there are medically necessary abortions. But it is a false dichotomy to suggest that someone speaking out against torture doesn’t care about (or doesn’t care enough) about abortion.
That is: “D” for disaster.
I am a staunch believer in pro-life issues (first and foremost the “non-negotiables”) … and for that reas0n, I’m voting Democratic. Many of the Party Leaders for the GOP have even renounced their commitment to values issues because those issues “are not part of a winning strategy for November”.
Since no one is interested in doing anything for (or against) the significant pro-life principles, it is necessary to go to (for lack of a better label), the “secondary” pro-life principles. Just in 2 examples …
More than 50 million people without health insurance (which the Bishops’ Conference referred to as “a basic human right”), and the Republicans want to take away the option that will bring healthcare to the majority of those 50 million?
14% of our nation (46 million people) in poverty … and the Republicans want to fight over whether the richest 2% can have trillions?
If Democrats are to have a prayer in the upcoming elections…
If they’d have a prayer at all, I’d consider voting Democrat in the future.
14% of our nation (46 million people) in poverty … and the Republicans want to fight over whether the richest 2% can have trillions?
This is such a hoary and shop-worn characterization that I don’t believe for a second that you routinely voted for the GOP prior to this.