Jimmy Akin on President Obama’s proclamation that June 2010 is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.
So there you have it. President Obama taking credit for all he has done to normalize the open practice of sexual deviancy in our society, as well as measures he’d like to take in the future to further normalize it, including “creat[ing] safer schools so all our children may learn in a supportive environment.”
I wonder if he’d like to require private schools to be “safer” in this way?
And I wonder where all this is going and how long it will be until gets there.
Tolerance and “safe environments” will continue to become the blunt records used against anybody who does not believe that sexual deviancy is a right that must be normalized. Not accepting this behavior will get you labeled in oh so many ways and no doubt with words that end in ‘phobe.’ How long before the travesties that have occurred in Canada and England come our way is a good question. The real tragedy is that those who are afflicted with same-sex attraction or other disordered desires are confirmed in their sin instead of being helped.
So what month is Adultery Pride month?
I have absolutely no respect for Barack Hussein Obama. I do fear him and what he is doing to our nation. But all I feel for him is loathing and disgust. I suppose that isn’t very charitable of me, but never has such an abominably wicked and murderous man sat in the Oval Office. He is our King Manasseh.
Oh, please. Consensual sexual relations between 2 adults is a right we all enjoy as a citizens, so congratulations to us. And you’re opinion as to what’s deviant from the norm is irrelevant. Isn’t masturbation deviant by that standard?
Plus, same sex attraction is a matter of science and medicine. It is not a disorder, even though your priest says it is. Your physician disagrees with him, and your physician’s doctorate in medicine takes precedence over your priest’s B.A. in Philosophy when it comes to medical/health matters. Educated christians haven’t turned to their local priest for medical advice since the middle ages.
But thanks for playing!
So Pat, what exactly is the norm then?
@Pat: Not to state the obvious, but masturbation is considered a sin that falls within the category of Lust. Just thought you might like to know.
Wow. The trolls are coming out early this time of year.
“And you’re opinion as to what’s deviant from the norm is irrelevant.”
And yours is oh-so-very-relevant.
“Plus, same sex attraction is a matter of science and medicine.”
You’ve found a cure, then?
“Your physician disagrees with him, and your physician’s doctorate in medicine takes precedence over your priest’s B.A. in Philosophy when it comes to medical/health matters.”
My priest’s B.A.s in philosophy (and M.A. in theology) trumps your doctor’s doctorate in medicine when it comes to eschatology, which is a great deal more important.
“Wow. The trolls are coming out early this time of year.”
No kidding.
“How long before the travesties that have occurred in Canada and England come our way is a good question.”
Maybe 5 or 6, judging by our history of “trailing behind” (read: holding out against) the culture and social upheavals in those counties.
1. same sex attraction is a matter of science and medicine.
2. Educated christians haven’t turned to their local priest for medical advice since the middle ages.
3. I am educated
4. I accept the Church’s teaching on same sex attraction
5. my priest accepts the Church’s teaching on same sex attraction
So I guess it follows that I’m not Christian. Though I suppose many Protestants already knew that.
Who says that consent has anything to do with it? Also, what about sexual relations between species? Do you support that? Why or why not?
Consensual sexual relations between 2 adults is a right we all enjoy as a citizens, so congratulations to us.
No one has a right to have sexual relations with someone else’s spouse, even if it’s consensual. And while it isn’t illegal to have non-marital sex, it isn’t right in the eyes of God, the just judge of all things moral. Apparently you don’t differentiate certain sexual acts either right or wrong, only as consensual or non-consensual.
And you’re opinion as to what’s deviant from the norm is irrelevant.
It’s not Jeff’s opinion – it’s the teaching of the Church. You’re the one with the opinion, and what standard are you using that it’s more relevant? The “everybody’s doing it” standard?
And yes, masturbation is sexual deviancy, too. Faithful Catholics believe that, and many struggle against the temptation.
It is not a disorder, even though your priest says it is.
Same sex attraction is a disorder because it runs contrary to the order as ordained by God. SSA isn’t sinful, but acting on that attraction is. Just as Opposite-Sex Attraction is sinful when acted upon (outside marriage, that is).
Educated christians haven’t turned to their local priest for medical advice since the middle ages.
And many an educated Christian hasn’t turned to their local priest for moral advice either – which has contributed to many of today’s moral problems. The do-it-yourself faith and morals route is a spiritual dead-end.
Funny, it was a disorder until homosexuals started deciding what was and wasn’t a disorder. They took it off the list without a shred of evidence to support their decision, in spite of actual evidence showing it to be harmful.
Oh, and the Church teaches that masturbation is immoral too.
Just F.Y.I.
“So I guess it follows that I’m not Christian. Though I suppose many Protestants already knew that.”
Well played.
I really love it when females who tend to romanticise homosexuality ignore physical facts about homosexual genital activity.
It is like the man who did things to his dog then claimed it was mutual because the dog wagged its tail!
Look at the purpose of sex, the end it is intended for, physical design and sexual diseases that follow from promiscuity oh and also mental illness and I think my priest, doctor and psychologist all come to the same conclusion.
Don’t go there!!!
When sexuality is reduced merely to a “plumbing problem” or entertainment it can, of course, be considered as lightly as many consider it today. But when it is not shorn of procreation and the gift of life from our Creator, it continues to have vital, religious, and ontological importance. Within the “domestic church” the bearing and raising of children in the Faith – as derisively “medieval” as some sex-as-entertainment, etc. types deem it – is still how we do not let go of the sacred Tradition passed onto us. But instead pass it on to our children and their children’s children.
Sex as entertainment, sex as mindless bestialism without dignity and respect for the life it is meant to bear is, literally, degenerate.
One thing that I will never understand about liberals is that, if you want to have sex with the neighbors’ dog, they’ll create a support group for you. So long as you don’t have a drink first and a cigarrette afterwards.
Gays are mentally disabled, not the type of crazy where they need to be locked up, they are functional, but never forget they are crazy. Crazy people cannot, be definition, consent.
Thank you for your question. Te norm in this case is heterosexual relations, as the vast majority of people are straight. But just as left-handedness and prematurely gray hair are variations from a norm, they are naturally occurring for some people and not “wrong.” So too homosexuality. At least that’s what the scientists say.
Comments above about bestiality are not worthy of response. ALL scientists agree that the few – if any – people who claim that they are naturally inclined to have sex with animals are mentally ill.
Anthony, your statement is the OPPOSITE of what is supported by medical research, social research and frankly, the laws of most jurisdictions.
Plus, same sex attraction is a matter of science and medicine. It is not a disorder, even though your priest says it is.
But what about evolution? You want to remove religion from this, fine: but the point of evolution is the propagation and survival of the species.
Something homosexual behavior is inimical to. Which means, according to irreligious evolutionary theory, homosexual behavior is contrary to the norm.
what you are missing here is that you one the one hand (and many others who sympathize with you) and the others who are commenting here on the other (including me) look at things from different perspectives.
It seems that for you everything in the world must be related to the physical aspect only, so that scientists and doctors are your priests. For us there is an additional dimension to life, one that includes morals, emotions and spirituality, so that we rely on both scientists and theologians to arrive at the completeness that we believe is available to humans and that you ignore.
If you stopped to think about what you are saying (and about the spelling you use) you would realize that you are saying things that make no sense, are ignoring arguments with plenty of evidence behind them, and are simply looking for support for your preconceived ideas that can only be acceptable in your “matter only” universe.
Oh, and before you scream that you too have morals, stop to think about what that means, going all the way to the root of the concept.
Ah, the scientists! It’s wonderful to be able to claim that “the scientists” support your views. Would these be the same scientists that tell us the polar bears are in danger of extinction or the same scientists that tell us that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer by 2013? Or maybe they are the same scientists who told us that the glaciers in the Himalaya would be melted by 2035? Or maybe the scientists are followers of Lysenko. Or maybe all scientists are always infallible. Please, spare us from claiming that “scientists” state something therefore it must be true.
The Bible is pretty “black and white” on this issue, no “gray” areas to discuss. Causes, etc. have changed over the years concerning homosexual activities but the Bible has always been consistant. But as global cooling became global warming it will again change to global cooling. Scientists and physicians change and update and modify and review theories all the time. But some of the changes on the causes of homosexual activities is purely political. God doesn’t belong to a specific party.
I believe that until their 1972 convention, the psyschological establishment defined homosexuality as a disorder. Times change the truth does not.
Anyhow, God gave us a commandment that preceeds the Ten Commandments He gave Moses as reported in Exodus.
“Be fruitful and multiply” appears six times in Genesis. In the first case, God blesses living creatures allowing and requiring them to procreate His creation.
The second time (Genesis 1: 28), the Lord issues the order to mankind.
After the flood, God repeats His blessing on animals (8: 17) and twice upon mankind (9: 1 and 9: 7).
God chooses Jacob for His last such blessing: “I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins” (Genesis 35: 11).
Isaiah 5:20:
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;
Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
At one time, the physician’s practice was limited to surgery, bloodletting, leeching, and the prescribing of draughts and ointments. The meaning and purpose of a person’s actions, feelings, beliefs, motives and so on was the provenance of the theologian and the philosopher, many of whom were also Catholic clergy.
In our modern age, everything must be subjected to rigorous empirical testing. Physicians no longer use leeches and let blood, for science has demonstrated that they cure no ailments. Science is a good thing, but it is incapable of answering questions about things that can’t be measured, standardized, heated, stirred, or broken up and liquified: the meaning and purpose of life, of love, of suffering, of human community, of this Earth’s existence, of our own existence. These are questions for philosophy and theology, still, but men of science, of medicine have been trying – with not much success, understandably – to answer them.
How “scientific” is it to attempt to address questions that can’t be scientifically addressed? Doesn’t stop them trying, though.
I have to amend what I wrote just above: “Doesn’t stop them trying, though.”
It’s *pretending* that’s what men of science do when they venture – untrained – into the realms of philosophy and theology. These guys *pretend* to know what is right and normal in the human heart and the human mind. And they cannot possibly, for they haven’t been trained in the necessary disciplines to do so.
Okay, so President Camera-whore gave the GLBT community their own month. Does that mean for the other 11 they’re going to chill a bit?
OK, here goes:
Amy, I must take issue with your first statement. It’s not that I want to remove religion from this. When you say “this” I assume you are referring to the President’s action in the original post. “This” isn’t a religious thing to start with, it’s a “State” thing. Bloggers here turned it into a religious thing. But to your point, yes, the question of how gay people fit into the theory of evolution is an interesting one. I’m happy to explore the question of why some people do not reproduce and how they might fit into the theory of evolution. But I don’t have the answer to that. I do, however, think that a knee-jerk response that a woman who is naturally inclined to fall into sexual and romantic love with another woman is screwing up all of evolution is unfair. The science of human sexuality is still pretty new. It’s interesting, isn’t it? But I’d rather start from a place of questioning and understanding than condemnation. I think it’s the Christian thing to do.
Roberto, Nope. I don’t think that scientists and doctors are priests. Quite the contrary. I think that priests are priests. I myself have a parish priest. He agrees with most physicians that homosexuality is a naturally occuring variation and it’s our job to figure out how the homosexual fits into our society and how he should be treated by social and political institutions.
Sid, you employ an interpretation of the bible that is contrary to that of most Christians. Biblical interpretation is NOT black and white. Read it. It expressly forbids eating shelfish in the same way that it forbids male (not female) homosexuality. It also forbids you from shaving your beard. So, we as Christians really do selectively interpret CERTAIN biblical passages and say, “well, that passage is not meant to be a prohibition for all men and women at all times.” We have to determine what that passage means to us today, if anything. Moreover, some of the passages that are interpreted to forbid homosexuality also expressly call for death as punishment. Now, if you really believe that this is God’s literal wish, you should be advocating for the death penalty for gay people,a nd frankly, nothing short of the death penallty. But nobody does that. Because we all know that literal interpretation of the text is not what Christians do. So in this regard, the Bible leaves us with more questions than answers. But as I said to Amy, I’m happy to explore the questions, but I will not begin with condemnation any more than I am willing to drive up to Maine and harrass lobstermen as violaters of God’s word who are trying to seduce us all into eating something that is Biblically prohibited as an abomination.
Marion, I couldn’t agree with you more. Now that scientists have determined that homosexuality is a naturally occuring variation for some people, it is the job of others: philosophists, clergy, sociologists, etc. to figure out how the homosexual fits into our society and how he should be treated by social and political institutions. Please see my response above to Roberto.
…and they chose June because June is the month for weddings (June Bride) its such an in-your face- move…
Btw, Pat, you’re right masterbastion is considered diviant by the Church’s standard (the standard we uphold).
when crazy people get to diagnose themselves, the diagnosis is not valid. when crazy people get to be in charge of deciding who is and who isn’t crazy, the system is broken. scientists and doctors do not have a monopoly on truth, they are biased just as much as the rest of us. social researchers see only what they want to see.
Sex is for married men and women. It’s what God intended.
Life was tough for the wandering Israelites back in the Old Testament days. During their struggles and fight for survival the times and circumstances did not permit prisons or rehabilitation. If you committed a serious offense you were stoned or exiled. The New Testament relieves us of the burden of some of Old Testament laws and harsh punishment. The New Testamant completes the Old Testament. Homosexuality is mentioned in both the old and new testaments. It is also covered in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Persons who are homosexual are called to chastity. Jesus and the disciples pointed out the faults in some of the OT laws, laws of the Pharisee’s and laws of harsh punishment on Earth. Pat, your argument would have us ignore the 10 commandments since they were Old Testament issue? We can’t pick and choose. The Bible, both Testaments, is our guidebook for the path to Heaven. Of course we are not going to stone a person engaging in homosexual sex acts, we are called to love the sinner and hate the sin. We are not called to judge but we are called to help those in a state of sin. We are missing the point of the Presidents proclamation. It is a way to further destroy the family unit and redefine it. It is political payback to the Presidents supporters. It is another attempt to normalize behavior that the Bible and Church state are not normal. The Bible is black and white on this issue, there is no gray area. Jesus tells us to be hot or cold because if we’re just warm we will get spit out.
Sid wrote: “We are missing the point of the Presidents proclamation. It is a way to further destroy the family unit and redefine it. ” You’re right. However, for quite some time, I have been seeing evidence that the tide has begun to turn. Think about it: God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and all that is in them, created the family – will man be able to destroy it? Weaken, yes; destroy, no. So many of the younger generation coming up are truly inspirational men and women who’ve seen what the Culture of Death leads to and want no part of it. They have chosen to march to the beat of a different drummer. They are marrying, having families, being faithful, and training up their little ones in the way they should go – and my hat is off to them – they fill me with hope for this world.
Sid also wrote: “It is political payback to the President’s supporters.” That’s true, too. And the natural payback to the President’s supporters is an empty future without progeny. And the supernatural payback is eternal death. “The wages of sin is death.” No matter how the Culture of Death appears to be winning, appears to be “in control”, it can’t last – nothing that contains the seeds of destruction within itself can prevail in the end. It will ultimately all blow up like the Kingdom of Sauron.
Pat: Your physician’s MD has given the US rank as 37th among healthiest nations, and consumers of 70% of the world’s drugs. I’ll take a priest over that.
Marion, history is proving you wrong. For example, gay marriage is legal in four US States and by all accounts, the marriages that have occurred there have had little or no impact on society as a whole. Here’s what’s more interesting: thousands of Roman Catholics were diovorced in Maine last year and instead of helping those people stay married, the Roman Catholic Church raised and donated millions of dollars to prevent an incredibly small part of Maine’s population (Catholic and non-catholic alike) from becoming married to each other in the local city hall. The Roman Catholic Church’s attitude towards and treatment of gay people is incredibly misguided. And the Church is exercising its muscle at the expense of the people in the pews.
I do not wish to let your delusion go unchallenged. You may cloak your vision as you wish, but it remains the fact that you do see doctors and scientists as “priests” in the same way that you believe priests are seen by the Church, namely as unquestionable holders of authority.
You are wrong on both counts and because of this major error your whole vision of the issue is tainted. For instance…
You say that homosexuality is a “natural” variant: what does that mean? What definition of “natural” are you using and what implications are you considering? Most likely some definition provided by some scientist in some scientific publication and that you assume to be universal because your “priests” have said so. Well, I agree that it is “normal” in that it occurs in nature: who can dispute that? Of course your parish priest supports the idea, I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t. I also agree with the implication you mention about respecting and protecting homosexuals. In fact EVERY Church document agrees with that.
But it is not “natural” in the theological sense of reflecting the plan desired by God for nature. So see, you listen to your priests, I listen to mine and mine include yours. But by ignoring the theologians and relying only on scientists you are misunderstanding the question, so no wonder that you arrive at the wrong answer.
The fact that homosexuality is a natural variant is as true as the fact that diabetes is: it occurs, nobody chooses it and we must figure out how to assist those afflicted by it. But would you support a structure that provides people with diabetes with as much sugar as they want? The point is that homosexual BEHAVIOUR damages the soul just as a disordered diet damages the body of a person with diabetes. That is why the Church calls it a disordered condition.
Sorry, but you blinding yourself, and trying to blind others to these basic facts by using verbal contortionism does not cut it.
Your last answer to Marion is so full of false statements and incorrect logic that only by leaving the intellect aside can one accept it.
Contrary to the 180 degree wrong assertion that the Church is “exercising its muscle at the expense of the people in the pews,” the Catholic Church is promoting a culture of life for not only the people in the pews, but for all people, as it works to maintain the dignity and the integrity of the institution of marriage within our society, an institution created by God, and which no state, no court, no legislature has any authentic power to modify (although they like to pretend they do so, by conducting “pretend” marriages between members of the same sex. But these are no more authentic marriages than a slip of paper which my nephew hangs in the window is “the sun.” )
God created marriage between one man and one woman. The state can pretend to modify that, but it truly cannot.
Your comments illustrate the touching but naive liberal faith in “progress” and “science.” Science had nothing to do with the psychiatric establishment’s normalization of perversion. A shift in the winds of culture did. There is also a lot of evidence to demonstrate that the shift was based on political pressure, not evidence. You take it for granted that the winds will never shift again. Why? Frankly, you sound like a character from a Norman Lear sitcom, written and produced in the heyday of liberal triumphalism, when the election of a Ronald Reagan was inconceivable, but Pat, Norman hasn’t had a hit in decades. If science changed it’s mind about homosexuality once, then I don’t get the basis for your uncritical faith in “science.” What are you gonna do when the winds shift again?
That’s what is so objectionable about state-sanctioned *pretend* same-sex marriage; it is a travesty of a sacred God-made institution, which is one man, one woman, for life.
And the state’s attempt to obliterate the “for life” part of the marriage covenant by instituting divorce (which pretends to dissolve the marriage of the partners, but cannot truly do so) is a travesty, too, and which the Church has fought against, as well.
My goodness Roberto, you’re the one making a grave error. In your discussion of what is natural, you equate homosexuality with diabetes. Nice try. Diabetes is a disease. Better to equate homosexuality with left-handedness: a variation from the norm occurring naturally. Left-handedness was also once considered an affliction.
Marion, nice try. Tell that to the thousands of Catholics divorced in Maine last year. Ask them, “where was your church when you needed it most?” persecuting gay people and ignoring actual, real-time, failing Catholic marriages. You can’t win on that one Marion.
Ron, don’t be ridiculous. There’s a huge difference between human understanding and science actually advancing and shifting winds, as you call it.
“Marion, nice try . . . you can’t win on that one, Marion.”
This is not about me. Nor is it about you, or any one of us. I could drop dead in the next five minutes, and even after I am dead and buried, this fight will continue; the young ones will fall in and take my place and do an even better job, to the glory of God . And I hope to look down from Heaven, and watch, and cheer them on! “Whoo-hoo! You go, Tony’s great-grandson!” This is about what is universal, what is real, what is true, what is sacred, and what is lasting. These are all things that the Culture of Death rejects, doesn’t understand, and considers the enemy, so naturally it seeks to destroy them, as you do, Pat.
However, Satan and the Culture of Death, Pat, although they may gain the upper hand in the fight at times, have already been defeated by Christ Jesus. Ultimately, the battle is won by the Church, Christ’s bride, while, your side, the side of Satan, sin and death will be destroyed.
I hope you convert to God before that day arrives, so that you will not be destroyed with it. May you repent and turn away from a life pursuing evil, sin, and death, and embrace God. Amen
“Better to equate homosexuality with left-handedness: a variation from the norm occurring naturally. Left-handedness was also once considered an affliction.”
A rather good comparison although I’d say it is unintentional. One of the definite technological advances was the invention of toilet paper. Prior to that a variety of methods were used to cleanse one’s bottom after defecating. The norm was to use one’s left hand. Using the same hand that had scraped excrement to, say, eat from a common pot, was forbidden. Offering your left hand in greeting showed a great deal of disrespect.
While current sanitary practices obviate right-hand / left-hand protocols, there are no similar changes regarding a homosexual act: it has always been unclean and irrational.
Given your total ignorance of the difference between homosexual tendency and homosexual behavior, your blindness of the destructive effects of the latter (which is a disease), your totally distorted view of what the Church does and teaches, your naivete about what science and scientists do and your persistence in not seeing what other people are pointing out too, all I can do (and I am sure the others will do too) is pray for you. May God bless you now and may He enlighten you whenever possible.
How appropriate, then, that the feast of St. Charles Lwanga and companions falls in the month of June!
St. Charles Lwanga and companions, pray for us!
That Obama bum didn’t dedicate any months for family men, veterans, taxpayers, straights, i.e., the backbones of this country.
Liberals only have ad hominems, insults and lies. At this moment, the Gulf Coast is dying and that rat, Obama, can only execrate President George W. Bush and the GOP, and call a committee meeting.
You can say dogs have five legs each, that doesn’t make it so. You can say adherence to the Teachings of Holy Mother Church is persecution, that doesn’t make it so. You can say not stroking gay narcissists’ sorry egoes is persecution, . . .
The Church is not about pop psychology. Watch Dr. Phil or Oprah if you can’t afford a shrink. The Church is about the salvation of souls. Most of the Church’s problems involve bishops/priests/parishioners turning away from saving souls, but emoting on peace, justice, and free lunch.
Mr.Miller: if you found my previous post offensive, please let me offer an apology and, of course, ask forgiveness.
Please do not contact me again. I’ll own being a sinner, but never a Satanist pursuing “evil, sin and death”. God forgive you. I will remember you in my prayers in church on Sunday. God forgive you.
Roberto, you are mistaken. I well know the difference between homosexual tendency and homosexual behavior. You are WRONG when you say the latter is a disease – that is a medical conclusion that you are making and once again, that conclusion is the OPPOSITe of what modern medicine has determined.
Also I have no distorted view of what your Church does and teaches – if you’re referring to my comments about Maine – those are facts that we can all look up.
I do thank you for your prayers. You are in mine. While I have little hope for you, God has opened the eyes of more willfully ignorant people than you.
Just so we’re clear that Im not spouting my personal opinion without actual support for my statements, please know that The American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association and the National Association of Social Workers have stated in an Amicus curiae brief presented to the California Supreme Court:
“Homosexuality is neither a disorder nor a disease, but rather a normal variant of human sexual orientation. The vast majority of gay and lesbian individuals lead happy, healthy, well-adjusted, and productive lives. Many gay and lesbian people are in a committed same-sex relationship. In their essential psychological respects, these relationships are equivalent to heterosexual relationships. The institution of marriage affords individuals a variety of benefits that have a favorable impact on their physical and psychological well-being. A large number of children are currently being raised by lesbians and gay men, both in same-sex couples and as single parents. Empirical research has consistently shown that lesbian and gay parents do not differ from heterosexuals in their parenting skills, and their children do not show any deficits compared to children raised by heterosexual parents. State policies that bar same-sex couples from marrying are based solely on sexual orientation. As such, they are both a consequence of the stigma historically attached to homosexuality, and a structural manifestation of that stigma. By allowing same-sex couples to marry, the Court would end the antigay stigma imposed by the State of California through its ban on marriage rights for same-sex couples. In addition, allowing same-sex couples to marry would give them access to the social support that already facilitates and strengthens heterosexual marriages, with all of the psychological and physical health benefits associated with that support. In addition, if their parents are allowed to marry, the children of same-sex couples will benefit not only from the legal stability and other familial benefits that marriage provides, but also from elimination of state-sponsored stigmatization of their families. There is no scientific basis for distinguishing between same-sex couples and heterosexual couples with respect to the legal rights, obligations, benefits, and burdens conferred by civil marriage.”
Now, PLEASE do not respond to this with something perjorative to say about these 3 nationally recognized organizations. Just admit that when it comes to psychology, psychiatry, mental health, human sexuality and interpersonal relationships that the thousands of professionals who stand behind these statements should be accorded some authority.
Feel free to stand Roman Catholic theologists up against these folks. But let’s not dismiss them.
I thank you for your prayers and I look forward to meeting you in heaven to check whose ignorance was greatest. The fact that I agree with what the Church teaches gives me hope that you will agree to buy me a beer. 🙂
May I ask, are there any Roman Catholic Church teachings that you think are wrong?
I agree that divorce is a bigger problem- but you see, back when Catholics and others were fighting that battle, the psychological experts were against us. (“Better a divorce than constant conflict”, etc. ) It’s only now, when we are really seeing the price, that some of the ‘experts’ (by no means all !), are coming around on that issue. By now, divorce is so pervasive that the Church spends a ton of energy just dealing with clean-up from the mess.
So when a future mess (albeit a much smaller one), appears on the horizon, no wonder the reaction is so strong.
Do you ever offer arguments instead of mere assertions. I contend that the APA’s shift in attitude toward homosexuality was not based on evidence but on a shift in the zeitgeist. You don’t refute my position but simply dismiss it as “ridiculous.” But you claim that your views are based on “reason.” Uh huh.
I have no response that will appease you. I think you are being ridiculous. You are torturing yourself into a position where you feel that you can comfortably disagree with thousands of medical and mental health professionals. Good luck with that.