Ironic Catholic has published a collection of her posts via Smashwords and it is available as Dear Communion of Saints: amusingly apt advice for foolish Christians. I remember reading some of these hilarious posts and enjoyed reading them again collected as a book. I think I had a grin through out reading this along with accompanying bursts of laughter.
The premise of these collected posts was a sort of Dear Abbey meets the Communion of Saints. Somebody writes the Communion of saints for a reply to their question and one or more saints answer the reply. She (The Ironic Catholic) is pitch perfect in reflecting the style of the replies of the various saints. When it comes to humor the truer something is the funnier it can be. This collection is quite funny in a entertaining way while at the same time providing theological correct answers.
With the latest Lady Gaga controversy it was quite fun to read one of the saints reply in regards to using a Lady Gaga song for the weeding. The saint called it “porn to a beat” which is so stunningly accurate it is both hilarious and a perfect description.
Smashwords is a site that helps people to self publish and you can download this book in multiple eBook formats for $2.99 (well spent).
1 comment
That’s really too kind, Jeff; thanks. My crazy dream is that this could encourage others to want to be saints, too. Or at least think orthodoxy can be a great response to our self-help questions!
Chuckling makes the medicine go down.
Pax, IC