What an awe-inspiring story! Ol’ sparky didn’t want the good bishop around…and tried everything in his feeble power to thwart God’s will; but an uneducated, poor Italian woman defeated him instead. Sort of reminds me of another lady–about 2000 years ago–who also said “yes” to God…and to life.
I read that article in the diocesan magazine, there was a photo of the good Bishop and his mother taken shortly after he returned home from that mission. I agree, an awe-inspiring story.
Wow… lovely story. People get threatened to have their support revoked and I only get ridiculed by friends relatives and co-workers. Puts so much in perspective. The faith of the bishop’s father also shows true courage.
Permit me to share some responses to comments I have received:
You are crazy: you don’t have to be crazy to have n kids, you only need to have n-1 kids and a lock on the bedroom door to have n kids.
You do know where babies come from?
I’d be happy to give you some pointers – you look like you could use some help there….
There’s things you can do to stop that from happening you know: well someone told us to child-proof the house after we had our first but they still kept getting in.
You must be so patient to have n children: not at all, I was patient when I had n/2 children and good behavior was optional. Now that I have n, good behavior is necessary, I have a zero tolerance policy for misbehavior, and all the children are much happier.
You are so brave: not at all – kids are not scary. Perhaps they are expensive and lots of work but they certainly aren’t scary. What’s scary is that some people think that kids are scary.
Thank you for pointing out this beautiful story. I have shared it with our readers at the Ruth Institute’s blog http://www.ruthblog.org/
(The Ruth Institute promotes lifelong married love to college students by creating an intellectual and social climate favorable to marriage. It is named after the Ruth of the Bible.)
What an awe-inspiring story! Ol’ sparky didn’t want the good bishop around…and tried everything in his feeble power to thwart God’s will; but an uneducated, poor Italian woman defeated him instead. Sort of reminds me of another lady–about 2000 years ago–who also said “yes” to God…and to life.
I read that article in the diocesan magazine, there was a photo of the good Bishop and his mother taken shortly after he returned home from that mission. I agree, an awe-inspiring story.
Wow… lovely story. People get threatened to have their support revoked and I only get ridiculed by friends relatives and co-workers. Puts so much in perspective. The faith of the bishop’s father also shows true courage.
Permit me to share some responses to comments I have received:
You are crazy: you don’t have to be crazy to have n kids, you only need to have n-1 kids and a lock on the bedroom door to have n kids.
You do know where babies come from?
I’d be happy to give you some pointers – you look like you could use some help there….
There’s things you can do to stop that from happening you know: well someone told us to child-proof the house after we had our first but they still kept getting in.
You must be so patient to have n children: not at all, I was patient when I had n/2 children and good behavior was optional. Now that I have n, good behavior is necessary, I have a zero tolerance policy for misbehavior, and all the children are much happier.
You are so brave: not at all – kids are not scary. Perhaps they are expensive and lots of work but they certainly aren’t scary. What’s scary is that some people think that kids are scary.
Thank you for pointing out this beautiful story. I have shared it with our readers at the Ruth Institute’s blog http://www.ruthblog.org/
(The Ruth Institute promotes lifelong married love to college students by creating an intellectual and social climate favorable to marriage. It is named after the Ruth of the Bible.)