When I first saw The Loser Letters advertised I wasn’t much interested. It wasn’t until I read more about it and hear d and interview with Mary Eberstadt, the author, on Al Kresta’s show that I knew it was a book right up my alley. In some ways it follows in the tradition of C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters, except this time an atheist convert writes a series of letters giving advice to the “new atheists.”
The letters from from the point of view of a twenty-something women convert to atheism seeks to help out the new atheist in addressing questions they either give short shrift to or have totally ignored. A.F. Christian (A Former Christian) really loves the books of all the new atheists that have hit the charts and just wants to give some helpful advice.
What results is a brillant sharp critique on major areas that the new atheists or even the old atheists never address. Many of the things she brought up I had never noticed before such as the lack of women among the new atheists.
Anything you recommend is worth reading. I learned that after Crown of the World.
I read this one, and found it well worth the price I paid. It was very insightful. The only thing I wish it had was footnotes [though that might have spoiled the effect] so apologists could more easily track down the quotes she used