When asked by CNSNews.com whether he agreed with Cardinal Rigali that the bill funds abortion and should be amended to explicitly prohibit abortion funding, Cardindal Mahony said: “This is way beyond my field. My field is immigration. I really haven’t kept up on that, and I spend all my time on this other. You have to get somebody who spends time on that.” [reference]
Silly Cardinal, he was suppose to say it was “Above my paygrade.” Though you would think that if something is above your field of expertise that you might want to default to what Cardinal Rigali said speaking for the Bishop’s conference. If the bill funds abortion for illegal immigrants does it fit into his field of expertise? Plus I can understand how busy the Cardinal is with leading protests at all those abortion clinics in L.A. and being the visible leader for the pro-life cause in his diocese. Oh wait his time must be involved in something else. Possibly it is the time he has spent persuading all of his pro-aboriton friends in the government. Well maybe not. Possibly it is in supervising those seminaries busting with new seminarians. Oh wait. Oh well I am sure he is doing something. Surely covering up sex abuse takes time.
When asked whether he believed abortion should be funded under the bill, Cardinal Mahony said: “No, but that’s what the president said, too, so.”
And we know how truthful the President is when it comes to abortion. After the USCCB said the bill would fund abortion, the president said it wouldn’t – all without any changes to the bill. And of course the latest Baucus Health Care bill does not change the situation.
Cheer up, less than a year and a half until he has to submit retirement.
I think this calls for a permanent countdown clock in the sidebar!
A major metropolitan see… a successor will likely be swiftly found. And, as for the clown-mass loving liturgical pirates who inhabit the L.A. region… perhaps you might try Vienna. Word is… there’s a happy home for the weird and wacky waiting for just your kind.
That’s because it’s only just. We need to bring in 43,000,000 immigrants (wearing “Che” T Shirts, see) to replace the 43,000,000 babies we murdered who will vote for pay raises for themselves every election.
I use “we” b/c Card M. and the rest of the tacit pro-abortion, post-christian, schismatic, heretical Obama/Kennedy/Kerry/Clinton uber-supporters (NB: I do not say “Catholics”) are largely responsible for keeping aborion legal since 1973.
It is the sincere hope of our prayer group, the Loyal Sons of Torquemada, that Kennedy has shovelled a slightly deeper slime pit in Hell than his own, hoping that his pal Mahony will join him as soon as possible.
How many souls has this man sent to Hell?
It is the sincere hope of our prayer group, the Loyal Sons of Torquemada, that Kennedy has shovelled a slightly deeper slime pit in Hell than his own, hoping that his pal Mahony will join him as soon as possible.
How many souls has this man sent to Hell?
John Mannix
Council of Trent 6th session Chapter 12..last phrase:
“for except by special revelation, it cannot be known whom God hath chosen unto Himself.”
Which means we know neither who is in Heaven nor who is in hell excepting canonization for the former.
Satan can get the angry faithful a different way than he gets the loose laxist. And he can get both with the same incident.
Trent’s Council forbids us to place anyone in hell or heaven as a certitude outside of the parameters of revelation. I’m not sure but I suspect that if Kennedy repented, he went to Purgatory and will not come out til the last farthing has been paid and that could be the emotional-stress equivalent of a million years of suffering for all we know (time is absent in Heaven but present to a degree wherever there is suffering…the other two places)…God is in charge of that and rumors that a papal blessing does away with such are incorrect since the Vatican has an office just for papal blessings for a $60 or so fee that goes to the poor and takes for the certificate about 6 months for anyone to get. Were they a failsafe remission of punishment, indulgences would not longer be needed and all talk of them would have ceased awhile ago.
As to indulgences, they all come through the Pope and here is new advent:
“but when there is question of applying an indulgence to one in purgatory it is only “per modum suffragii satisfactorii” and for this reason “the pope does not absolve the soul in purgatory from the punishment due his sin, but offers to God from the treasure of the Church whatever may be necessary for the cancelling of this punishment”.
In short…it is up to God in the individual case whether He honors the indulgence since…again new advent….” Bellarmine himself says: “The true opinion is that indulgences avail as suffrage (to vote…parenthesis mine), because they avail not after the fashion of a juridical absolution…”
Not only will Mahoney have to turn in retirement, some of his cronies do as well such as Neidereur in San Fran.
But what a mess to clean up! The next bishop will be a martyr to attack all the corruption and decades of it. To return the archdioces to the Roman Catholic church will be no small feat.
But maybe the civil authorities will get to the teflon cardinal first and finally nail him on one of his crimes…
The cardinal’s replacement will need our prayers. The liberals of the parallel magisterium will be against him if he tries to bring about any change and the ‘more Catholic than the Pope’ conservatives will be against him because the changes won’t be enough and will be too slow in implementation. The orthodox Catholics will pray for him.
Cardinal Mahoney needs our prayers too.
2010-2012 will be interesting years for Calilfornia. Several of the current bishops will reach 75….thank God.
Well I’m glad the greek captcha was a joke. You had me stumped there for a second!! Mahoney sounds like he needs to retire ASAP.. Anna
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