MIAMI — There’s nothing unusual about churches advertising Sunday services, but some atheists are turning that idea on its head: Why not promote the belief that there is no God?
“Most people are under the impression that atheists lack morals and ethics. We are trying to dispel that myth,” said Ken Loukinen, founder of the 400-member Florida Atheists and Secular Humanists, which is sponsoring a controversial billboard in Broward County, Fla.
“Being a good person doesn’t require God,” the sign declares. “Don’t believe in God? You’re not alone!”Put up for $2,200 in early July in Fort Lauderdale, where it quickly drew protests from residents, the message has a new home on a billboard in Oakland Park, Fla[reference]
But to be a saint does require God.
But first you must ask them what the definition of a “good person” is anyway and how do you objectively define good? If you read the comments on John C. Wright’s blog you will certainly find that their is no atheist consensus other than that Mr. Wright must be wrong. Atheists can certainly live out the natural virtues. There is a recognition of the virtuous Pagan. I know that as an atheist I practiced some of the natural virtues, but it is only by grace that this is transformed into supernatural virtues.
Jesus asked “Why do you call me good” trying to get a response of faith, but I might ask the atheist “Why do you want to be called good” in a morally relativist world?
While I think that there is good and bad in all people, the Bible tells us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. However, the Bible also says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16.
Atheists can choose to say there is no God, however, I just want to let them know that Jesus is exclusive to all people, including themselves, if they choose to follow Him.
“As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” John 1:12
I am aware that a similar effort to advertise atheism has been going on in Great Britain, and perhaps other parts of Europe. I expected it would happen in the U.S. too. Now it has.
I would agree that atheists/pagans can exercise the moral virtues on the natural plane and that grace transforms. Grace also confers faith, hope and love.
If any good comes from this advertising perhaps it would be that it gets those of us who believe in God to reflect upon what we have and how it makes us different.
True enough. One does not need to believe in God in order to be a good person and believing in God is no guarantee that you are a good person. But belief in God is intrinsicly essential to answering the question, “Should I be a good person?” in the affirmative.
“Don’t believe in God? You’re not alone!”
And yet you are, so, very, alone.
As a student from the U.K I can affirm that there has been atheistic slogans advertised in the capital, sponsored by Richard Dawkin’s himself.
‘There probably is no God? Don’t worry and enjoy life!’
The Orthodox church has responded by printing its own slogan ‘There is a God! Don’t worry and enjoy life!’
One thing is for certain, it has prompted people asking themselves questions, they would not of thought about on a day-to-day basis especially in secular Britain.
But belief in God is intrinsicly essential to answering the question, “Should I be a good person?” in the affirmative.
Bingo. And although this may come as a surprise in certain Catholic circles, religion is primarily about truth, not ethics.
Most people are under the impression that atheists lack morals and ethics.
Well, that may or may not be the impression. But the truth is atheists lack any principled basis for having morals and ethics.
The other day I went to my favorite place to eat breakfast. Acknowledging that the owner of the eatery was ultra religious/preachy. Food is good… So I am there… Other options 16 miles away… And, I generally keep my belief systems to myself unless provoked.
Anyway, she knew I am an atheist, yet, she came up to me and told me she could not wait to ascend to heaven. She was tired of this place!
I asked her if she was tired of Planet earth. She said; of course not. Her point? And, exactly how did she want me to acknowledge her statement. Is she suicidal?
The next day she states humans are sinners/evil without gods blessings. I suppose it depends on what one considers sin/evil. In either case, I am not a evil person. Or, one that uncontrollably spends my day sinning… I am not going to sit quietly while some religious nut job states I am a sinner without god. I am not a rapist. I am not a molester. I am not a thief. I am not a murder.
Why do atheist get pissed? Who wouldn’t if one is calling them scum!
Sorry religious peoples! As an atheist, I wish to preach my belief of **Absolutely No God** exists. As religious people make my life unbearable! I, individually believe that humans would be more successful without these retarded myths, which the planet would most undoubtedly benefit from…
I am tired of driving down the street only to force my view away from blatant signs explicitly stating that all are sinners. “Don’t be a sinner. Come to Church”
I am tired of sitting down at a restaurant only to hear that I am scum because I do not believe in their mythological god.
I am tired of being in line at the register only to be told that “God, is good”???
I am tired of being asked what church I attend!
I am tired of reading in the paper that some schools wish to adopt religious doctrine.
I am tired of religious people deciding that scientific knowledge is purely a fart in the wind. That the good book knows better.
I am tired of really trying to deal with these religious people. Only to find it is like dealing with drug attics.
How about creating a website for a church. Only to be told that the jesus and dove in the theme I designed is outdated 🙂
I am tired of going to a party, to be the only one that is not bowing their head in shame.
I am tired of meeting indoctrinated children. Very sad!
I am tired of meeting males that think they are superior over females because their good book states it.
Mostly I am tired of pure stupidity. Especially when the dominant side is practicing it. Overtime!
I love being a good person. But, I am finding my discomfort of religious people in essence makes me harbor hate. Which would categorize this portion of myself not a good person. My own internal torment…