When candidate Obama was being embarrassed by the words of his pastor he later denied that he was there when he said those things. Pretty good timing that he managed to go that Chicago church regularly and just missed out on those days something controversial was said. Though I always thought this was a silly excuse even if true. This is to say that you go to a church for years and years and are friends with the pastor, but somehow don’t know about his controversial positions. So this either shows a situational stupidity of ineptness or just plain lying.
Judge Sotomayor seems to be taking a page out of Obama book. Today she testified about her involvement as a board member with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund where she had held multiple positions over the years. There were several PRLDEF briefs in support of abortion. In testimony to Sen. Hatch she repeatedly said she did not know anything about the contents of the briefs, just that they were filing briefs. Though earlier in her testimony she know they had filed briefs in support of abortion. So it certainly appears she contradicter herself and most likely committed perjury.
But again if she was telling the truth later about not knowing what was contained in the briefs then she is inept. If you are a board member of a group for a bit of time and don’t know what is going on – it does not show very favorably to your case. If she perjured herself she is unqualified to be a Judge of any stripe. If she did not know what was going on around her it also does not make her a very astute judge.
Dawn Eden has an in depth article at Americans United for Life on the testimony today and should be read.
Jill Stanek also has lots of information on Sotomayor’s testimony along with a detailed look at her work with the PRLDEF.
I don’t think Obama was lying about not knowing his pastor’s opinions, simply because it seems so politically stupid for him to be identified with such a church. What I do think he is lying about is regular church attendance. He probably only went on holidays when the pastor would avoid such sensitive subjects.
Actually he did frequent Rev. Wright’s church. In reality he had picked that church for political reasons and wanted to be seen by the black community in that area as being an active member.
Unless there are tons of pictures of him there, I have a hard time feeling any certainty that he went regularly. He’s a public figure, so of course Rev. Wright and his parishioners want to claim him as a regular member. The political reasons work both ways in this case.
Sotominor is not only a racistands a sexist (“All men must be castrated!”) she’s a liar.
Melody, You’re in the tank for One Big Assed Mistake America! We will all suffer unnecessary hells (25% unemployment, rationed hell care to name two) this nonentity and Pelosi unleash upon us.